Chapter 13

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Because I'm Satan, listen to Lullabies by All Time Low while reading :) it gives off more feels.

The next few weeks, we were stronger than ever. She made me happy. I've never been this happy for a long time. She covered the hole in my heart and taught me how to love. I loved her a lot. I really believe she is the love of my life.

Tonight, we were going on a double date with Lydia and Ben. Yeah those twats are now in a relationship. It was cool because Ben was happy as well.

I sprayed on some cologne and straightened up my tie.

I felt my phone vibrate and my heart beat a million times and my stomach filled with butterflies. She made me feel like a teenage lad who had a crush on the girl he liked.

I opened the text and saw it was from her. I couldn't help but smile as I read it.

Sarabeth <3: Can I come over? Lydia is taking forever and I miss you :(

Me: of course love, doors open.

Sarabeth <3: see you soon bae. <3

I couldn't be more happy. I set my phone on the bathroom counter and looked at my reflection one more time. After awhile I took off my tie and tied it up again. I felt a hand on my back and smiled.

"Danny boy!" I heard Ben say. I turned around and rolled my eyes.

"What?! Were you expecting someone other then your first love?"

"Oh my god," I laughed.

He chuckled and hit my bicep. "Look good mate."

"Thanks man."

He didn't look too bad either. He was wearing a black shirt with a red tie. It fit him well.

"Danny boy!" I heard Sarabeth. I smiled wide and hit Bens arm. "That's my love."

"Danny?" I heard Sarabeth say as she walked into my bathroom. I smiled wide and kissed her.

"Mm Hey beautiful."

"Hey handsome."

"I'm going to barf," Ben said walking away. We laughed and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her again. She pulled away slightly smirking.

"Baby you're going to fade my lipstick."

"And that's a problem because?"

She giggled looked down while biting her tongue.

I kissed her forehead causing her to smile even more.

"If only Ben wasn't here and your makeup wasn't done.." I said with a wink. She smiled and opened one of the doors under my cabinet. She pulled out a box of makeup and shrugged.

"I can do touch ups. Wanna quickie?"

I smiled while undoing my tie. She took off her heals while biting her lip.

"Unzip me?"


Ben's fist collided with my door causing Sarabeth to jump. We finished but we were not dressed. She stood up and quickly slipped on her bra. I pulled up my pants as she ran to the bathroom.

"What?" I asked opening the door.

He smirked and touched my cheek. "Nice lipstick."

I looked at my vanity and groaned.

"Danny come here," I heard Sarabeth ask.

I quickly walked toward her and saw her point to the zipper. It was half way zipped. I smirked and unzipped it.

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