Chapter 3

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There was a bang on the door and it scared Sarabeth and me shitless. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I guess we fell asleep. Sarabeth looked up at me and giggled. 


"We fell asleep; we may have missed my cousins set."  She smiled. 

"I hope not because I'd be on." I heard my voice and felt like it was covered with sleep. Fucking hell, I looked at my phone and saw the time. It was 2:30 and Revenge Riot was on at 3. 

"We have thirty minutes until Lydia gets on." She smiled and stood up and stretched. I stood up as well. "Want to go to her bus?" 


The bang on the door came again. I suspected it to be Ben or James. I opened the door and saw Ben staring there with Lydia.  "I came to collect my cousin." She said shyly. 

I opened the door revealing Sarabeth and she smiled at Lydia. "We're about to go on stage, want me to sneak you back stage?" Lyd asked. 

"Couldn't Danny do that?" 

"I mean I guess." 

She looked up at me and I looked down. "Will you sneak me in?" She said shyly. I smiled and nodded. Ben gagged and I punched him in the chest without leaving eye contact from her. Lydia laughed and pulled Ben away. Sarabeth giggled and held my hand. "Let's go."

"Okay, let me get some shorts on real quick." She nodded biting her lip. I ran up to my bunk and quickly stripped. I put on Grey Cut offs and a Black T Mötley Crüe tank top. I put on my adidas and grabbed my sunglasses. I made it downstairs and I saw her talking to Sam. She nodded and looked kind of sad as she talked to him. What were they talking about? 

I cleared my throat and they both turned toward me. She flashed me a fake smile and it worried me. I knew she thought it wouldn't occur to me to being fake. Yet it was the same type of look I would give when my smiles were not true. 

"You ready to go love?" She nodded and she grabbed my hand. I intertwined our fingers and she smiled for real then. Whatever Sam and her were discussing must have left her mind. 


We made it passed security and walked too where Revenge Riot would be before the show. I saw Austin and Jacklyne warming up on their guitars, Lance chugging a water while his bass was sitting on his lap, then Anthony cracking his knuckles. 

"Where is Lydia?" Sarabeth asked letting go of my hand. 

"Um, last time I saw her, she was talking to Ben." 

My eyebrows hunched together. Why was Ben getting close too Lydia? He was married for gods sake and she was dating Matt Nicholls from Bring Me The Horizon. All of a sudden we heard a giggle. We all turned our attention and saw Ben and Lydia walk toward us with smiles on their face. Sarabeth raised an eyebrow and Lance shook his head. 

"Y'all ready?" She said. "YES!" They all shouted. Lydia chugged a bottle and they all got into a "football hurdle circle". That's Austin called it anyway. They did their chant and broke. 

"1 minute call," Their tour manager, Benji, shouted. Lydia began to take deep breaths and Austin began to strum some chords. 

One by one they got on. Ben, Sarabeth, and I made it to side stage next to Benjie to watch them perform. 


Half an hour went by, a sweaty Revenge Riot ran off. Lance wiped his face then put it all over Sarabeths face. 

"YOU PIG! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" She complained slapping his arm. He and Ben began to laugh and walk away. She pouted and grabbed a towel and wiped her face. She looked beyond pissed. I couldn't help but laugh as she glowed with anger. 

"What's so funny?" She seethed

"You're adorable." 

"I have Lance sweat on me though," 

"It could be worse; you could have James's sweat on you." She shrugged. "I heard he's weird." 

I laughed and nodded. "He is, yet he's alright sometimes." 

15 minutes went by and we began to warm up for our show. Lydia came back and began whispering to Sarabeth who giggled at whatever they were talking about. 

"5 minute warning." Stephan said. I took deep breaths and we did our thing that we always did before every show. I walked over to Lydia and Sarabeth and smiled. "Good luck Danny Boy." Sarabeth said grinning at me. "Thanks Sarabear," I teased. She blew me a kiss and I caught it and put it toward my heart. The girls laughed and I chuckled. 

"DANNY, 30 SECONDS. COME THE FUCK ON." Stephan shouted. Wow, what a cock block. James walked out first, then Sam, then Ben, then Cam, then me. The crowd was screaming so loud. I couldn't help but smile so wide. I looked at the sky and admired the sunset. They began to play A Prophecy and the kids screamed and began to mosh. First bit of the show and they were already fucking mental. 

The show went on and it was great. There was a huge pit, and at one time we did a Wall of Death. For some odd reason I loved seeing our fans do dangerous things. 

I put my hand up and Cam began to play a crowd favorite. Not The American Average. I smirked as the fans screamed. I began to sing and do my part. The song was almost over when I realized Sarabeth was no longer side stage. It was during Bens part so I looked around. I then saw her walking away from the stage. My heart sunk. Did the song offend her? Was she OK? 

I took a deep breath and I realized it was my turn. "YOU STUPID. FUCKING. WHOOOOOOOORE." I shouted into the Mike. 

We finished our set then ran off. The fans still screamed. Usually it would make me smile but I was worried and confused. I saw Lydia walking toward me. "Where is Sarabeth?" I asked. 




haha, I hope you guys liked it. So sorry it's so late D:

QOTD: What songs do you listen to when you need inspiration? <3

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