Chapter 11

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I sat on the couch waiting for Sarabeth to come down. After last night at the beach, she just stayed over. She didn't really have much of a say though.

She walked down wearing my sweats and a sports bra. She was braiding her hair and smiled at me. Everything was natural today. Her face didn't have gunk on it and she just looked beautiful. Her freckles were showing. It made me smile big.

"Hey cutie."

"Hey handsome," she walked over sitting on my lap. I automatically wrapped my arm around her. I pecked her lips then put my head in the crook of her neck.

"You pull off my sweats better than I do."



"No babe."

"Yes babe."

She giggled causing me to hold her closer.

"I love you so fucking much Daniel."

"I love you so much fucking more."

I wasn't sure if it made sense but it caused her to smile and bite her tongue. She was beautiful. I love her. How the hell did I get so lucky to have her? She wasn't the normal whore I'd usually have. She was never the one to bitch at me if I had friends that were girls. She was extremely amazing. Her kisses were poison to me. Her hands were like electricity when she touched me. Everything about her was perfect. She made me feel valuable.

They always say the man had to make the girl feel like a queen. In my eyes, the girl should do the same. Well, she should not treat me like a queen but she should treat me like a human.

Sarabeth did. She always was there for me, as I was for her. She was my other half. I hoped I was hers.

I heard a stomach growl, I looked up knowing it was not mine. She was bright red. "Oh my god." She hid her head in my shoulder. I laughed kissing her shoulder.

"I can make chocolate chip pancakes," I offered.

"You cook?"

I looked at her with a shrug. "I can attempt to make chocolate chip pancakes."

She laughed then kissed me. "You're a goof."

"You're beautiful."

She rolled her eyes and got up off my lap.

"Go cook me food!"


"Attempt to cook me food," she said while giggling. I laughed and stood up with a grunt.

She looked up at me as I stretched. I smirked as I put my arms down. I kissed her nose and put my hand under the band of her sweats. Well mine, you know what I mean.

I lead her to the kitchen while pulling out my phone. I googled how to make it. Sarabeth sighed then left my side. I looked up and saw her pulling out some ingredients.


"I'll make them."

"But I thought you sai--"

"You're taking too long 'love'," she said smacking my butt playfully. I smirked and watched her walk around the kitchen. She began to hum Ben's part in a lesson never learned causing me to smile even more she was precious. I began to hum with her causing her to stop and blush like hell.

I chuckled "Don't stop love."

She looked at me with a nervous smile shaking her head no. I smirked and sat down at the table. I looked at my phone and saw a recent text from Lydia and rose my eyebrow. I opened it and rose my other eyebrow.

Lydia: Fun fact, your girlfriends birthday tomorrow.

I rubbed my face and looked up. Her back was to me which made me silently sigh in relief. Why didn't Sara tell me.

Me: Are you fucking serious?

Almost immediately she replied.

Lydia: yup, guessing she didn't tell you?

Me: No.

Lydia: She usually does that.

I scoffed and looked up at her. She turned around giving me a confused look.

"Your birthday is tomorrow?"

"God dammit Lydia," she mumbled in her breath. She turned back to the pancakes.


"Dan-- please.."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's just another day." She said obviously pissed.

I leaned against the counter looking at her.

"But it is one of the most beautiful girls birthday."

She glared at me. I rose an eyebrow at her.

She sighed and rubbed her face. She looked like she was about to cry which scared me.


A tear fell from her eye which caused me to pull her into her hugs.

She sniffed hugging me back.

"I hate my birthday."


"I always spend it alone. Nobody ever was there for my birthday. It's just a hard day for me."

I held her by her thighs then looked in her eyes. She looked so broken. I hated that look. She shook it off and put her hands on top of mine pushing them off. She turned around sighing as she grabbed a plate. I got the spatula and placed them on. I poured the last bit of batter on the pan. We were both quiet and it scared me. I glanced at her and saw she was looking at ground.

I shouldn't have told her I knew.

She walked to the table and sniffed. I looked over my shoulder and saw her looking sad. I looked back at the pancakes and bit my lip. I had to fix this. I put chocolate chips in the the form of a heart on both of the pancakes.

When they were done I walked over with an extra plate and butter.

"Here," I whispered.


She grabbed her plate then looked at the hearts. She scoffed then a smirk spread on her face. She looked up at me. I pulled over a chair and set my hand on her lap.

She put her hand on top of mine. She stared at her hands with a mild blush on her cheeks.

"Hey look at me."

She obeyed and I kissed her softly. Her eyes still looked sad.

I kissed her again then placed my forehead on hers.

"Sara, tomorrow, you will have me. I will be there."

She smiled weakly then she kissed me.

"Thank you."


Shout out to Danielle for helping me out for the next two chapters. I am so sorry this is another filler and lame chapter.

Hope you all had a good day.

QOTD: What is your favorite cartoon?

I will grammar check tomorrow morning. Bye.

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