Chapter 4

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"Sarabeth!" I called. Lydia and I couldn't find her anywhere

My voice was getting hoarse. It was 8 and we couldn't find her at all. Lydia and I called her a total of 50 times but her phone was either dead or turned off. I was growing frustrated. I walked onto the bus and grabbed the Jack bottle from James. 

"Calm down Danny," James shouted. 

"Shut up," I growled drinking down the poison that tasted so good. The one ounce of happiness that I felt walked away from me. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. 

Ben walked on with a concerned look on his face. "How you holding up mate?" I shook my head. "She probably went home." I whispered. I walked toward the stairs and Ben put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he sighed. "You just going to bed?" 

I nodded my head. 

He patted my back. I climbed up the stairs. I felt like I was no the only one up there. It was kind of a creepy feeling. 

I shrugged it off. Probably Cam's lazy ass was up here sleeping. I opened my bunk and almost gasped at what I saw. I found Sarabeth. 

She laid in my bed sleeping soundly. I smiled a little bit. I shook her softly. Her eyes eyes fluttered open. She stretched then looked at me. She turned a light shade of pink. 

"Hi Danny," 

"Hi Sarabeth." 

"Sorry the bass was giving me a horrible headache. From what I saw, you guys kicked ass." 

I chuckled. "Scoot over?" 

She scooted over and I took off my shoes and crawled in with her. She automatically cuddled with me and I wrapped my arms around her. 

"Can I be honest?" She whispered. 

"Sure," I said. I was somewhat I guess you could say nervous. That question was pretty dangerous. Next to the statement "We need to talk." 

She sighed then looked up at me. Her beautiful baby blue eyes we intoxicaing. I looked down at her and she giggled shyly then cleared her throat. "When I first met you, I thought you'd be this douche bag who would view me as a hit and run. I assumed all band members were complete dicks. I read numerous articles of you online and they said you were one. I was nervous... Sam told me you were not like what the articles said. Only sometimes." 

I smirked a little bit. "So what you are trying to say is that I'm a non-douche dick of a rockstar?" 

She nodded biting her lip. 

I kissed the top of her head, "Can I be honest?" 

She nodded. 

"I will never view you as a hit and run, if you were any other girl, the likliness would be more higher. Yet something about you, it makes me feel good. You're not like those other girls. You're different. You're brilliant. You're sassy, very adorable." I smiled just at describing her. "You put a smile on my face when I don't really want to."

""We've only known each other for a month." 

I nodded. 

"I have really bad mood swings though, I'll be happy then I'll become very antisocial and not talk to anyone. I haven't felt that way really since we began to text." 

She giggled and fiddled with my hand that was on my stomach. I intertwined our fingers and kissed her pale fingers. 

Her smile lit up her entire face. Words couldn't describe her beauty. We laid there in a comfortable silence. She then looked up at me again then propped up on one arm. I mimicked her actions and smirked. She looked at my lips and I looked at her. 

We leaned in, my lips were centimeters from hers when all of a sudden. 

"Dammit, he better be up here!" Ben shouted. 

"He is! He went to bed!" I heard James shout. The sudden yelling caused Sarabeth to jump and bump her head on the top of the bunk. "Fuck," she mumbled under her breath. Her eyes quickly widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. I couldn't help but laugh. The curtain was ripped open. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Shrieked Lydia. 

"Oh my god," Sarabeth said quietly. 

"You couldn't answer your damn phone? We've been looking for you for like 45 minutes!" 

"I'm sorry... I had a headache because of the bass and Stephan told me to go sleep in one of the bunks." She explained. 

"Sorry about the bass love," Ben said winking at her. 

Lydia rolled her eyes then sent daggers at me. "Danny you could've fucking called." 

I made a face and didn't say anything. I just shrugged and looked at Sarabeth. She began to giggle. 

Lydia groaned and slid the curtain back to where it was before. 

Sarabeth sighed then pulled her hair into a loose pony tail. 

"What time is it?" 

I looked at my clock. "8:15" 

"shoot." She grabbed her shoes and began too put them on. 

"What's wrong." 

"I have to say goodbye to Revenge Riot because you guys are leaving at 10." 

"You can come with us." 

She smiled faintly while tying her shoes. 

"Not all of us travel around in a tour bus, some of us have to get up in the morning and bust ass just to get enough food on the table." 

I smirked. 

"I'm serious Danny." I sat up and began to put on my shoes. She looked at me and I shrugged, 

"Since there is no way of convincing you to stay, I might as well walk you to their bus." She smiled and jumped down from my bunk. I followed and she intertwined our fingers together and pulled me.  We walked down the stairs and saw Lydia and Ben in a heated argument. They both looked at us and plastered fake smiles. 

"Hey Lyd, I was about to say my farewells to the band. Would you like to come with us." 

"That sounds perfect." Lydia staring at Ben. Whatever he did, sure pissed Lydia off. Lydia stormed off infront of us. I gave Ben a questioning look and he shook his head frowning at the ground. I'd have to talk to him later. 

I walked off the bus with Sarabeth. We were hand in hand. CC and Andy wolf whistled and cheered as they saw us. I chuckled with embaressment and Sarabeth was as red as tomato. Dammit guys. 

Half way to the bus our hands began to sway. We both giggled. I was seriously falling so hard for her. She was what can I say, she was absolutly beautiful. Shy yet briliant. 

We made it infront of the Revenge Riot bus. I opened my arms and she hugged me tightly. I hugged her just as tight. I had this feeling in my stomach that I should ask her to be my girlfriend. I was worried though. What if I hurt her? What if she hurt me? 

I looked down at her after we released. 

"Sarabeth, before you go.. I have a question for you." 

She looked at me and cocked her head to the side looking at me as if she were a confused puppy. 

"What's your question?" 

I took a deep breath and stared into her beautiful blue eyes. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 



-What the hell did Ben do?

-What will will Sarabeth say? 

find out next chapter c:

QOTD: What are your weekend plans? 

"Help Me Please!" [Danny Worsnop Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora