Chapter 5

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She giggled and covered her face.

"What's your answer love?"

She nodded a yes and I rose an eyebrow.


"YES!" I chuckled and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I picked her up and carried her bridal style onto Revenge Riots bus. Jacklyne was making her way to the front of the bus then gave a smiling Sarabeth a questioning look. "Are you drunk?"

"Nope! I don't drink, you know this!" She doesn't drink?! Shit, I'm probably going to ruin her sweet innocence. Not that I minded but you know, I can still be a little sorry. "oh," is all that Jacklyne said. Jacklyne and I never really talked, she was really quiet from what I could tell.

Sarabeth got down yet leaned up against my body. "Came to say goodbye to everyone before you all leave me for the rest of the summer,"

Jacklyne laughed and hugged Sarabeth. "Wish our farewell was longer, yet I have a date."

"With who?" Lydia and I asked at the same time.

"Uhm, a person." Jacklyne quickly scurried out of the bus and I shrugged. Lydia shrugged as well. Sarabeth walked past her walking into the back of the bus to where we heard yelling. Most likely the guys were playing COD. This left Lydia and I up front. "How is Matt and you?" I asked sitting on the bench.

"He hasn't talked to me that much today, yet we're ok."

I nodded and looked at her. She looked like she was torn to shreds.

"What's wrong?"

"Ben called me a whore."


She nodded. She bit her lip then sighed.

"Do you know why?"

She wiped a tear that fell onto her cheek as she sniffed. "Yeah,"

"What was it then?"

"He's your friend ask him." She grabbed some Pepsi and filled a cup half way, and then she filled the other have with vodka. I raised an eyebrow. Lydia only did that certain drink if she was completely pissed the hell off. I got up off my ass and walked behind Lydia and opened my arms. She must have felt my presence because she turned he face up. She covered her face and put her head on my chest. Her body erupted with sobs. I held her close and rubbed her back.

"What the fuck did Matt do this time?" I heard Lance say loudly. 

"It wasn't Matt this time," I said for her. 

"Who was it then?"


His jaw clenched along with his fist and he walked off the bus. I didn't want to leave Lydia so I called for Austin to catch up with Lance. Anthony tagged along both of them running off the bus. Hopefully they go to my bus instead of Bring Me The Horizons bus.

"Love?" I heard coming from the front of the bus. I turned my attention and saw Matt standing there with a stupid confused look on his face. He walked up to us and Lyd began to shake like a vibrating phone. I rubbed her back then looked at Matt smiling. "She's just having a little break down." I whispered. He nodded.

I let go of Lydia and she went to Matt who automatically wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. It was almost cute, yet I almost threw up. Sarabeth came back up and gave me a confused look because her cousin was crying. "I'll text you," I whispered into her ear. She smiled and walked up to Lydia. Matt let her go for a minute and Lydia sniffled and looked at Sarabeth.

"When ever you cry you look like a Kiss or Black Veil Bride member," she said wiping her dear cousins’ cheeks. We all laughed and the cousins hugged. "I wish you could come with us," mumbled Lydia.

"So does Danny." I chuckled and Lydia smiled at me.

"So... you guys finally get together?"

She nodded smiling. Lydia pointed at me. "You break her heart, I'll break your cock." She then led Matt into the back lounge and I quickly went to grab Sarabeth's hand.

"Do you want me to walk you to the car?"


I laughed and we left the bus. The silence between the two of us was like a death march to me. I didn't want her to leave. She lived here and I lived in Texas. It was so far away. I knew we could make it work yet the distance was going to kill me.

Stuck in my thoughts I didn't hear her sweet voice say my name until she touched my arm. I looked down at her and saw a tear on her cheek. I scoffed and wiped it from her cheek.

"I forgot you don't live in Detroit," she whispered. 

"When warped is over I will come back," I whispered pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. She stood on her tip toes and kissed me. The kiss was like poison. Killing me with lust. It was then when I realized how much I had fallen for her. Mya was never like this. Sarabeth was something totally different.

"FaceTime me tonight love?" I said barely over a whisper. She nodded and played with my hand. I kissed her forehead and then put my forehead on hers. The smell of strawberries came to me. I was going to miss her so much. I only asked her out today, and we only talked for 2 weeks yet I was so fond of her. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. 

We heard a cough and both looked at the culprit and saw Ben.

"I'll text you Danny boy." She kissed my cheek and I grew a cheeky smile. "You missed" 

She rolled her eyes and kissed me then unlocked her door. She got into the driver seat. I waved at her and she giggled and waved back.

"I'll miss you!" We said at the same time. 


We both replied. We laughed then she drove away. I sighed then looked at Ben.

"So what the hell happened between you and Lydia?" I asked looking at him. His eyes dilated and he sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair and whispered. "It's complicated."

"Just tell me Ben," I said in a calm voice. Ben was not the usual one to be hurt this much over some girl. He didn't even feel bad when he left off to tour without girl Sam. 

"I found out today that Lydia was dating Matt, jealousy kind of got the best of me. Like I called her a whore and we just started bitching at each other."

"Ben, why are you jealous? You have Samantha.."

He grew quiet and his breath shook as he sighed.

"Samantha told me if I went on Warped Tour, she would pack up her bags and leave."

"What the hell?" I asked shocked. Sam should know that we are musicians, we go on tour every moment in our life basically. Yes it was hard a lot of the time. Yet this was our Job.

Ben nodded and sniffed. "I'm not going to cry." He said chuckling.

"If you do, it won't matter. You'll still be manliest feminine man I will ever know." I joked. He laughed the pulled out a box of cigs. "Want one?"

"Hell yeah," I said taking the fag. We smoked and stood there in silence. Lord knows what he was thinking. The only thing I could think of was Sarabeth. 


Sorry this is bad. D: I hate writing filler chapters. The next one will be kind of a filler as well. D: 

This story will end at Chapter 15 btw. Prepare yourself. 

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