Chapter 1:the begining of an end

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The year is 2276 earth has had many wars and revolts over the years with an alien race known as "the exterminators" bent on taking humanity over but humanity has united through a team known as the watchers..made up of extraordinary people with special abilities gained through alien their origin..
(Disclaimer: this story will contain characters based on real people and i will be using first names only and it will also be told in first person form at times )
2270 -the day aliens invaded and conquered (for a short time)- -NASA faculty, somewhere in the United States 03:00 hours- *a single intern by the name of Blayke sits at a computer in a large control room alone muttering quietly to herself to stay awake when something strange happens: a noise echoes through the tall ceilinged room...a beeping sound specifically one from a computer monitoring an old cold-war era satellite which is designed to detect radiation and as she pushes her chair over to it and rubs her eyes tiredly she looks to the screen and sees an almost clear image of something in the off the chart radiation read-outs..a mammoth vessel traveling at a good speed and her eyes shoot open and she immediately grabs a phone and calls her superiors -elsewhere, at a military base in Canada, half an hour later- *a private by the name of Dawson is on watch as a light snow falls and he sighs and looking up at the stars in an almost jealous way as though he wishes he were up there with them then where he is at the current point in time when suddenly the moon and stars are blacked out and total darkness fills the landscape* my god...*he says putting on night vision gear to see the massive underside of the vessel in the sky and then he sounds the alarm and the base comes fully to life in minutes*-sunrise, 06:00..NORAD headquarters-*Blakye and other NASA employees run through the halls to the main command as NORAD calls for DEFCON 1 as the unidentified craft settles in low orbit and as Blayke and her colleagues settle in the control room she puts on a pair of earbuds and turns up some music starting to jam to ease her nervousness and let her focus on the task at hand*-somewhere in Britain at around the same time-*a commercial pilot by the name of logan boards his first flight of the day bound for the United States humming a jolly tune to himself*-Dallas Texas (which in this stories timeline is now its own country having separated in 2070 because of political disagreements) - *a group of three college students are walking to early morning classes all tired due to an extensive D&D match the night before arguing amongst themselves about what the purpose of character acting is * now luke, you read the rules..and were the DM so you should be able to settle this *luke laughs* well sky, you as the thief certainly did more then anyone else so you should be able to answer that *the third laughs* considering he literally stole the lion share of xp id say so *sky smirks* well dalton, maybe you shouldn't have been the freakin wizard! *he says and luke bursts out laughing* thats true! You should've been a fighte- *he stops short looking up as a massive thing covers the sky and dalton and sky look up with him in mix of confusion and fear* oh...holy mother of god *sky says slowly removing his sunglasses* it's happening -long pause- what is? *luke asks with out looking to him* independence day...*sky says* its gonna be like the Europeans and the Indians...only we're the Indians *dalton turns to look at him a moment* I really hope you're wrong *luke nods* id agree with sky on this one dalton *luke says quietly* even though i hope he isn't right ether...but science fiction tends to make good predictions too...and it agrees with what sky is saying...odds aren't in our favor that their coming in peace *dalton sighs * i guess thats true..I just hate that it is...because though we talk about it a lot..*he pauses* you don't want the world to end *sky says finishing his sentence* i get it...but you know what they say...-New York city, 010:00- *logans plane lands mire minutes from a total grounding of all non-military flights and upon hearing this new he frowns* bloody Americans *he mutters walking from the airport * always mucking everythin' up *and as he reaches the outside he looks up and sees the alien craft* oh...bloody hell..*he says after a moment and then gets sucked up in a tractor-beam resembling device and the same thing happens to the others one by one*

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