Chapter 3: the great escape

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*As the group moves through the ship the hull creeks and groans as explosions are heard pelting the shields*sounds like we're missing the fun *dawson says* id agree with that *luke says* says the guy who hasn't even fired a gun before *sky mutters * that not the point *luke says* shut up! *Steven whisper yells as they come up on a hallway intersection which causes Steven to freeze suddenly* oh...shit *he mutters *luke steps forward slightly* I've got this *he says and with a clap and an ear shattering bang he's gone* -seconds later- *he reappears with anther loud bang* time travel...*he mutters* oh..*he says turning to Steven* no matter what way we quote an old song of humanity "its gonna turn into a ballroom blitz" but its up to you which way we go *steven nods slightly* straight ahead *he says nervously and runs across the intersection followed by everyone else one by one* oh boy...*dawson says as movement is heard up ahead* hold up! *steven says and everyone stops for a moment before Steven pulls out a knife and flicks it open* your gonna want to cover your ears and watch this *he says with an almost devilish smirk before running down the hall a short ways as the others cover their ears before an earth shattering scream is heard followed by the sound of combat when it suddenly all goes quiet* welp...i never thought id be saying this but..*sky says* lets go save an alien *he says and with a nod from everyone they run down the hall and let loose on the small group of aliens they find* you fools! *Steven says in a booming voice dropping from a place in the high ceiling where he was hiding landing smack in the middle of the fighting swinging his purple blood stained knifes taking out aliens left and right as blaster fire flies around the room while luke goes all around the room causing distractions* -a few minutes later-*the fight ends and the group looks around at the corpses strewn across the floor *i must say, *blayke says sounding a bit winded* that was fun..*sky chuckles slightly* lets get moving *steven says and the group continues onwards until they reach what appears to be a detachable part of the ship and within minutes with Steven at the controls they make their escape and head back to the planet below as the ship begins to rattle and is fired upon by their inhuman foe green plasma and lasers flying past in the vast vacuum of space and several alien ships come in hot pursuit as they make reentry and steven decides to show off dodging and turning side to side to dodge shots though a loud bang is heard and Steven instantly turns pale* oh...crap *he says, wide eyed as the ship begins to free fall and the majority of the group starts to freak out and panic until the ship crashes into the ground and the group quickly climbs out* so..where are we? *dawson asks* somewhere in the USA..i think *steven says* interesting..*logan says*im thinking we'd better get moving *Blayke says*you beat me by one second *steven says before the group takes off walking towards the nearest town*

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