Chapter 17-an epic clash

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((Skys POV))"fire!"*i shout and we all open fire as the aliens charge inwards towards us and fall in a hail of bullets line after line man after man its clear neither side is going to stop fighting until the last man as the epic battle draws onwards most of the group switchs to their sidearm and as i pull out mine i smirk and while there a break in the gunfire i speak up*"funny how its going to be gods caliber thats sends these creeps back to the hell they came from" *dawson laughs*"awe yes, the M1911 soldier's best friend and perfect for this occasion" *i nod slightly as the aliens regroup behind the massive pile of their blood soaked brethren and wait a moment as if weighing the odds of making it through our fire now we dont have automatic weapons and then there's a near deafening roar from one of them*"thats bad" *steven says as me and luke spot will step from the alien masses*"that mother..."*luke curses*"well well well" *i say stepping from the formation a few steps*"if it isn't the man who can't see when he's beat" *Will laughs*"its not that i cant see it" *he says coldly*"its that i take reality for what it is, something that can be changed with ease like the tide of this battle, all i need is proper attitude and a clear goal"*i frown slightly leveling the gun to his head*"what are going to do? shoot me?"*he asks tauntingly * "yeah, you traitorous d-bag, i am just because you're being a jerk "*i say coldly*"bull, you don't have the nerve"*he says smirking* "you're too predictable" *i say after a moment*"but since you're being so stupid, lets do this the fairway, hand to hand" *i say putting my gun back in its holster and climb the body pile until i'm within arm's reach of him and then i throw the first punch square to his groin * " ass"*he says forcing himself to hide his pain before he throws a punch at me which gets me in the nose and the fight starts in full swing each of us fighting with everything we have and we're almost equals because despite Wills reflexs my trainings better and as we fight the others start fighting the other aliens further adding to the corpse mountain around us*-sometime later- *the fist fight comes to an end as i fall to the floor of ship and go unconscious* ((Lukes POV)) *i pull out my colt paython revoler and aim it at Will as sky hits the ground and blayke raises a knife to throw his way as well *"you dont have the nerve" *he says coldly*"yes we do, you overconfident asshole" *blayke says and she throws her knife and i put three shots in his kneck and as the knife hits his chest i lower my gun* "recover from that"*i mutter then run over to the now motionless amd blood covered form of sky along with blayke and dawson*

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