Chapter 12-the fight

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((Told from sky's POV)) *after some hours of walking I stop and look back still covered in blood and i begin to cry because in my head i know Logan had a legitimate point and he meant every word he said* I'm worthless *i say aloud leaning against a tree now having a full breakdown and then i hear something behind me and in a quick motion i whirl around and take me rifle from where it's shouldered and am looking around* "i am not in the mood for this" *i mutter as signs of movement appear in the brush and my hands begin to slightly shake as a sign of high stress when all of the sudden a bullet impacts the pavement beside me and i duck into cover and after a second the repeat of a sniper rifle is heard* "oh...come on" *i say sounding annoyed at my luck knowing i don't stand much chance of getting out of this and pull out a flare gun and pointing it up i pull the trigger, launching a flare high into the air before picking my rifle up again as i hear the sound of a round chambering in a rifle of some kind behind me and i look back into the trees ready for what im sure will come next*

-meanwhile- ((Dawsons POV)) *im standing leaning against a building in the town quietly while luke sits by dalton and the others stand around them protectively when i see a signal flare pop up above the trees to the west followed by a second one* "oh shit" *i mutter noticing their purple* "skys in trouble" *i say standing up straight* "how do you know?" *Logan asks* "simple" *i say pointing to the flares * "lets move, Will, Blayke with me, the rest of you stay here" "why?" *logan asks* "why the hell are we going to risk our lives to save his?" "Because everyone here expect for Will signed an oath when we formed The Watchers, to protect the world, each other and all other powered people from threats of all kinds, to be the line of defense..and i figure we're in his debt, because unless you forgot he saved our lives" *theres a moment of silence before Me Will and Blayke take off running towards the flares* -about a half hour later- *we reach the spot and come up an a Mexican stand-off between sky a girl who looks about 16 and a man who looks to be in his early thirties * "well this looks fun" *i say after a moment which draws attention to me from the three of them as government forces also roll up to join the party and we all turn our weapons on them as since the whole alien mind control thing, you cant tell whose with our alien visitors and whose with us*"dont shoot" one of the soldiers says stepping from their vehicle*"and how are supposed to know we can trust you?"*sky asks*"because for all we know you could be an alien hit squad" "because, if me or my squad were them"*he pauses*"we wouldnt be having this conversation" *sky nods slightly* "fair point " *Will steps forward suddenly and takes out his sidearm*"no, i wont believe that" *theres a pause* "because, people used that a lot, even before our alien visitors showed, i was stationed overseas with the army a year trust me, saying that dont mean shit to me, because ive seen more then enough people die to know mankind isnt honest..never has been, and these alien bastards take advantage of that most natural"*he pauses*"and to think before the world ended i thought id seen it all..but as the song says..ive walked through the valley of the shadow death and i fear no evil" *and with this he opens fire which starts a gun fight with the girl and man helping us out as the squad of military fires back*-a few hours of near constant fire later- *the battle ends and will stands from the cover he was hiding* "as the song says, aint no grave" *he says and sky smiles* "couldnt have said it better" *the girl says* "the names Jane by the way" *she adds after a moment*"nice to meet you" *i say turning to face her and the others and we all stand quiet a minute soaking in what we have just done*"shouldve finished that evacuation first "*i say looking at sky* "i dont think that wouldve helped " *sky says* "you keep telling yourself that" *i reply*"we dont need two unstable members on this team"

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