Chapter 4:reckoning day

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The names sky *pause* and im the leader of the watchers...or at least i was before the events of the day of reckoning, which history books are telling wrong...but Honestly have my doubts that the attack that shut us down wasn't an inside job...though all theories aside...the watchers is a terrorist organization now..and to think couple years ago in 2275 we were the best crime fighting organization and one hell of a force to fight with military forces ready to back us at a moments notice but between an attack on our HQ which killed..I-I...dont know how many people..innocent people..and a resurgence in alien forces that attacked several major cities..we were disbanded...scattered...and labeled criminals which both news media and history books are still having fun lying's truth..uncut..exactly what happened as i saw it...-The Watchers HQ, on the outskirts of New York City, May 5th 2075 13:35- *im walking the halls of HQ tiredly as the others sleep, a mission the night before having made everyone tired when an alarm suddenly blares though out the faculty* son of a bitch *i groan* the demons of hell better be raising or it be the end of the goddamn world being upon us *i run to the communications area and put on a radio headset and listen* man...I don't want do this *i mutter before pressing a button which causes anther alarm to blare waking everyone up* what in the actual hell did you wake us for? *logan says rubbing his eyes walking into the room* that's something id like to know too *dawson says* i think we all want to know *luke says coming into the room with dalton and blayke not far behind* look...i know your all probably hating me for this..but we've been called to go rescue a team of navy seals who have apparently been captured *pause* by who? *steven asks stumbling into the room* they dont know..or if they do they didn't tell me *everyone nods slightly * you do understand this is the...fourth day we've had under 4 hours sleep right? *blayke says* yeah...and you do realize that I haven't had sleep in any of those four days *a security alarm sounds* this is why *i turn to a screen showing security camera feeds seconds before the front door is blown in* oh...crap *i mutter before grabbing a shotgun from under the comms table and aim it square at on of the heavily armed men who run through the door as dawson luke and blayke all run to a nearby weapons cabinet* I suggest you leave pretty goddamn fast *i say coldly staring the man at the end of my gun dead in the eyes* no *he says with a voice that sounded like one i heard before* who are you? *the man removes the mask over his face* the names John...John Wick, and you, well..your a man i want to talk to *he says with the type of look that gives a chill to the air and goosebumps to your skin* why me? Because if you're here..then that means two things, the first being im about to die and the second being..your here to tell me something..probably relating to the first..*john smirks slightly* you aren't nearly as dumb as the newspapers paint you as *i smirk a bit* you cant believe everything you read *john laughs a bit* I suppose so, but to get to the know that russin owned nightclub you and your team totaled during an op yesterday? *i nod slightly lowering the shotgun* well, the mob boss who owns it, is kinda pissed off at you...and because of this there's a contract on your life..but luckily for you he totaled my car, so it's personal for me and i happen to like you *an explosion rocks the compound suddenly* friends of yours? *i ask* you could say that, yeah *john says* time to go...NOW! *he shouts and at this me and the others make a run for it as he runs to go kick ass while we escape as more explosions are heard and seen though out the compound * I'll dive! *dawson says jumping over the hood of a waiting car and hops in followed by the rest of us and he peels out the tires smoking a decent amount as it accelerates rapidly* drive faster will ya!? *blayke says as a pair of cars come racing after us * working on it! *dawson says and he cranks up the radio as x gonna give it to ya comes on* im not sure thats a good omen or a bad one *i say after a second* I don't think it matters *dawson says*fair enough *i say shrugging my shoulders before leaning out the window and firing my shotgun twice i pelt the lead chase car with led as logan and luke hang out the back widows and fire their guns ducking in as dawson drifts into a corner though the gates and he floors it turning the radio up even louder * holy..*i say looking back before the car is pelted with bullets* if they total this car im gonna be pissed! *dawson says as we round anther corner before hitting the brakes and turning off road gunning it once more though by this point it's pretty clear four days of no sleep and the sudden chase have taken a pretty big toll on me physically and mentally and as a bullet breaks the back glass i snap and putting the shotgun in the floorboard and lean out the window* you asked for it you assholes! *i shout before letting my powers loose at full strength with electricity sparking and going all around which fries the lead cars electronics and scares the second off we come to a stop and i come back into the car and pass out from tiredness*-some hours later- *i come to in an empty car with a headache and a gunshot wound I didn't see before* son of a bitch *i groan looking around and then i slide over into the drivers seat and turn the ignition...nothing happens* oh come on *i say frustrated and turn the key again, still nothing* fine *i say in defeat popping the hood and getting out* be a hero they said it'll be fun they said, not stressful they said *i say in a mocking voice* well your freaking wrong! *i shout before lifting the hood up and looking at the engine* good thing i was in school to be a mechanic *i say to myself before grabbing a tool kit from the trunk and start to work* -a couple hours later- *i reach in the car covered in grease and dried blood saying a slight prayer as i turn the key and the car roars to life* thank you Jesus! *i say happily before closing the hood and throwing my tools in the back and climbing in on a quest to find the others*

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