chapter 8:surviors log

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-refugee camp, the commonwealth- so...i suppose writing my story down is..pointless..i mean whose to say by the time this is read its not by an alien? (by the way, if your reading this and your an alien i have two words for you, BITE ME) but between the massive..mind control thing going on, a plague, the EMP and whatever else these alien assholes have done..humanity may very well be going under with a whimper...because last readily agreed upon death count i heard is around 90 percent of human kind....or something like that...i just know these aliens have killed a lot of people...and there ain't a dammed thing i can do about it...except hold Steven back from killing someone and work on an old fighter jet ive got hidden in the woods...hoping that my independence day comment doesn't come back to bite me....though I find it far off sy-fy actually is...instead of fighters and missiles going off all round, nukes getting launched...great speeches..flying saucers and lasers...humanity having an epic battle and beating the aliens with primitive we are fighting for our lives against each other...and im sure the aliens are up in their ship laughing their asses off at we scramble around trying to get grasp in what we don't understand...of course...the man who runs the camp I'm in..names chase, former marine..practically lives by his sure he can clean the damn thing in his sleep...and he doesn't trust well watches me like im a communist or something...freaks me out..but i am pretty sure he understands that if i wanted to, I could fry him before he even knew what happened..but at the same time, the whole camp would knock me dead on my ass faster then I could react after if I don't like the guy...I suppose I have to deal with him..and you know that thing..where you strong liking towards someone of the opposite gender?...i can say I have that..don't have the nerve to talk to the person but...never mind....its not like anyone's going to read this...but the way i see it...saving the world, it's easy when you love blowing shit up..and have enough explosive to blow up three city blocks....under a city of about 10 times that, a detonator that can set it off a mile away and friends crazy enough to go onto an alien vessel to help me rig up the stuff..and that's just plan A..plan B...involves time travel...rewriting history and also blowing some shit up...but between the fact time travel never ends well....or at least those were the plans until i fell in love...and I figured out the fighter cant be modified the way i need it be...time travel may still happen but plan A is going to need a lot of revisions...

Here we 30 in this ash...a guy named will wandered into the camp military fatigues carrying an Ak, a glock, a heavy pack, combat knife and the reflexes of the damn flash..nearly got himself killed too..when chase fired a warning shot at him he jumped...tackled the guy to ground...took me Steven and blayke to break up the two..but the crazed...hostile look in his eye...tells me he's been through hell...probably lost everything..most of us we've ever known...people, homes, livelihoods....the world comes a crashing for everyone...just a matter of how you take it...and he rambled about something...spies...or something...called them "silencers"...described a camp like this one...slaughtered by one..guy had a sniper rifle...picked everyone off from afar...they never stood a chance...I doubt anyone's sleeping tonight after that....especially because have two fast reflexed people in the barracks isn't the safest situation when one could turn on the rest at any second.....his weapons were locked in the store room..and will be...until chase and the camps and dawson...deem him in good mental health..but with his hostility towards everyone (not that i blame him for it) it may be a while before we make any headway though between the bullet logan and I pulled from his side...the fact there was a gps chip in it....and supplies running low...the powers that be are thinking a move is in where and when, is a mystery but I think I've got an idea on that front..may take some time though....
Day 31- well...a good thing about alien invasion is people tend to come together in faith....if you've ever heard the phase "I've walked through the valley of the shadow of death, so i shall fear no evil" then you'll understand what i mean when i say people coming together in this...hell...makes a difference..granted you do still have the occasional person who decides to end it all before our alien friends have the chance...and I'll be honest...I've considered that path...but then something happened...that changed how i look at the's what night im sitting on night watch, rifle in my lap pistol in my hand staring at the sky as I argue with myself...or more accurately, my inner demons and that little voice in my head that couldn't see reason...and then all the sudden i hear something..something strange..something I'd never heard...a loud booming sound like that of a howitzer and the cracking of brush nearby and i stand to my feet staring into the trees though tear stained eyes the other three on watch running to my side looking to me in shock and I think to myself "this cant be happening" and as the rumble of military trucks is heard alarms sound though out the camp and all the men scramble from their bunks and run out of the various buildings rifles at the ready and as the defense formed i not here for here for the same thing ive fought for for years...others...and their's why the watchers were founded and by god..I ain't lettin' the devil..or these alien bastards...make me think otherwise because im the master of my fate...and i know the most powerful being has my've got as to what happens next...thats a story for anther time

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