chapter 14-traitor

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((Blaykes POV)) "here we are" *i say giving a cold almost death stare to dawson as me him and Will come up on the town where the others are and we stop for a moment outside of town*"question is, what the hell are we gonna say?" *will says after a moment *"im still working on that"*dawson says*"here goes nothin' i guess"*i say after a moment before i start walking towards town then come to a halt suddenly seeing something nearby and immediately run after it, knife in hand and i throw the knife and a second later it morphs and changes as i walk up on it and pull the knife from its back*"alien" *i mutter wiping the purple blood from the knife * "Dawson!"*i call whirling around slight fear sending a chill down my spine and he runs over* "we have problem"*i say in a low voice as he comes up to see the corpse behind me*"i think we've got an alien bastard amongst us"*long pause*"who?" *dawson asks*"Will"*i say after a second*"go into town and get backup i'll cover for you"*he nods*"youd better be right" *he says after a moment*"i can prove it but youd better run like hell when i do "*he nods as we walk back to Will and dawson starts talking to him to keep his attention off of me as i turn the knife in my hand a moment then cut Will on the left wrist causing a stream of purple blood to drip from the wound and within a split second before he has a chance to react i drive the knife into his shoulder as dawson makes a run toward town as me and Will start to fight our abilities pretty well matched though we each land the occasional actually damaging hit on the other nether gets an upper hand when luke appears and helps me out tag teaming Will which helps but doesnt quite do the job and as the others run up guns trained on him me and Luke step back and i wipe the blood from my nose* "youve got exactly 5 seconds to live fill it with words " *i say to Will gritting my teeth in a bit of pain and anger*"alright"*pause*"yes, im not human and yes i happen to be with earth' visitors and no i didnt make up the story about riverside, those soldiers earlier? those were yours, hints why i shot them" *he says coldly* "as to why we're here, you should understand that by now, we need your planet but not you..humans"*he pauses staring at us all with the type of stare you dont see often, a stare that could be a death star able to kill anything that sees it*"and for the record im not going peacefully"*with this steven steps forward cracks his knuckles and smirks seeing the now full health Will*"i was hoping youd say that"*steven says boldly before lunging at him and landing a punch square on his face and with that the fight begins two aliens fighting, one for humanity the other..for whatever his race is called and his own survival

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