chapter 13-the happening

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((Wills POV)) "so" *i say leaning against a nearby car* "what the hell are you doing out here..Jane? " *i ask looking to her with a slight glare* "because I have nowhere else to go" *she says coldly* "some of those..people..or I guess things would be a better term..that are with the aliens..massacred the camp me and my family were in..I'm the only one who made it's nothing more then a crater now and all i made it out with were clothes on my back, my trusty M16 and a sidearm so you have no right to be hostile towards me. " *she says glaring right back at me* "point made" *sky says and looks to with a look that says "if you say one more word so help me" and i stay quiet knowing im not exactly on good terms with anyone here when all of the sudden there's a flash of light and a police box appears floating above us and lands pretty close by and it's obvious sky and jane recognize it from somewhere* "it can't be" *he says after a second* "but it is" *jane retorts as a grey haired mad steps from the box* "im The Doctor and need you two" *he points the sky and jane*" to come with me, the fate of your world depends on it" *sky's jaw drops in surprise* "so..would the police box looking thing be a time machine?"*sky asks*"indeed..but it's more complex then just a bloody time machine"*The Doctor says sounding almost offended by the time machine comparison as sky and Jane look to one and nod as if confirming something amongst themselves and walk to him* "let's get going then"*sky says to The Doctor and three board the machine and leave in a flash of light*
-meanwhile- ((Luke's POV)) *sitting quietly on the old brick in the center of whatever town this is* "id make a joke..but i think my humor would be missed " *i say to break the awkward silence* "you'd be right" *logan mutters behind me* "you want to get punched?"*i ask him*"because that's how you get punched" *long uneasy pause* "fight me" *logan says* "you'll loose" *i reply* "that's what you think" *he says standing up* "so let's test your hypothesis" "alright let's see what happens" *i say standing up adjusting my sleeves slightly and taking a step forward i motion for him to come at me and as he barrels towards me i smirk and teleport behind him just before he makes contact* "you can do better then that" *i say mockingly before he runs at me again ending the same as before* "cant win if ya never hit your opponent" *i say still mocking* "why you son of a.." *he says turning to face me and I immediately teleport away then reappear behind him and hit square the back of the head causing him to stager forward and before i know it we are in a full blown fight though he's getting the worse end as only two or three of his punches actually hit me while every swing i take hits him until he eventually gives up pretty well beaten* "well done" *he says sarcastically* "oh your gonna be like that now?" *i say after a moment* "yep" *he replies as he sits down again* "okay..and just for the record" *i say after a moment* "the way your acting is why we're in America right now instead of British territory"

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