Chapter 7:the day the world stood still

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-may, 30 2278 12:00, UN conference somewhere in the United States- we are..the day government decided to incognito make a superpowered army *i mutter to myself adjusting the tie of the suit im wearing as i walk into the conference room and take a seat at the table along with several other well known powered people* so..what exactly is the purpose of this meeting?*someone asks* to discuss the reenactment of the sucovia accords *i say after a moment as lawmakers and representatives stream into the room* didn't work 260 years ago when they tried the first time, definitely wont work now..but that's just me *i add as everyone takes their seats and the meeting is called to order and i stand, being first to present on the matter though against it rather then for it like most in the room think i am* ladies and gentlemen of this well established committee, as a powered person and 3 time savior of the world, id like to give you facts that may change your minds on this issue for one, after the reformation of the avengers under captain rogers in 2021, the abandonment of the registration act in 2122 and the recognition of SHIELD and the formation of the EDF as well as the watchers, world crime is down by an average of 30% thanks to the powered people, for two, there are countless people whose lives you're attempt at regulation will affect, and before you say "its a secure list" let me point out that the old list, taken in 2020 after initial registrations ended, containing the names of 514 powered people..was taken from a secure government database in 2040, by "activists" and by 2050 half were confirmed dead or missing 2111, same thing happened when registration was reenacted, different group, different data base, but by the time records were destroyed in 2122 after the powers registration act was declared a failure in 2121, this list contained the names of 670 people..killed missing or otherwise by 2150 and statistics show registration did nothing to reduce crime as the most biased of accounts show only a 10% decline by the end of registration, so.. to get to my point, the community of heroes and powered individuals such as those outside protesting right now, would thank you for not signing these accords, though because everyone in the room is thinking it, yes there are those of us who are...bad apples and more of theses cases seem to be the type who look at an atom bomb like a Childs toy, wrecking everything they get hands on..some could give a Godzilla comparison to this....but that would imply nature is involved in the matter when it is in fact us...humankind...messing things up..history can tell us this tale..more times then any man can possible count...tony starks ultron program, hydras centipede program, the skynet system, just to name a few examples, but regardless...*i say looking out a nearby window at the massive crowds outside* the world..needs protecting and since the governments have proven they arent exactly...up to such a challenge and we the people must step up...*i look back to the table of representatives* but none of you want that right? because then your whole "i protect you" platform vanishes and so do your chances of election..though i will say this to..tie this in a bow..or whatever you want to call it..mankind is always in need of saving and everyone is worth it....but mankind can not truly ever be saved....because we're digging the grave....just a matter of we dont want to lay down in it so the blame game happens...guns, heroes, cops..dont matter who..or blame it comes back in the end every time *phone rings suddenly* speaking of which, thats work calling *i answer the phone walking from the room* youve got 30 seconds *pause* we have a DEFCON 1 situation *steven says on the other end* explain * i say after a moment* the conference is about to be attacked by th- *and with that an EMP hits the building filling it with the smell of burning wire* not the day for this *i say frowning before throwing the now trashed phone and then roll up my sleeves as luke teleports in with a bang and whoosh of air and he hands me a pistol then pulls his lever action rifle from where its slung across his back* shall we? *he asks and with a nod from me we begin to walk through the building stealthily as people run by us in panic and gunshots are heard* oh...god no *i mutter * what is it? *luke asks* long story *i say taking position to the side of a nearby door while he takes position on the other when all of the sudden a massive explosion rocks the building and as i run to a window smoke raises from the crash of whatever just blew up* well...this day just got worse *i say quietly as a chill runs down my spine* what? *luke asks from behind me* global emp * i say coldly* our alien friends way saying hello *luke frowns* well then....i think what we're after just changed then *i nod * unfortunately what we are looking for is several miles above us in low earth orbit and because of the emp we have no way of getting to it *luke nods slightly before theres a shout which causes me to whirl around seconds before luke shoots a guy running at us* well...thats great *luke says*....the only thing id need to make a horror movie out of this would be *i cut him off* dont say it *he smirks * id only need ghosts *i punch him in the arm* i said dont say it...ghosts are like...*long pause*..your rogue to the rest of a D&D party? *i chuckle slightly* you could say that....*i add before kicking out the window im standing near as what looks like a military convoy rolls in* oh come on...*i mutter pulling out a grappling gun and firing it at a tree below then tie it to the heaviest thing i can find* your really doing what i think your doing? *luke asks* yep *i say after a moment * that impossible *luke says* thats what you said when i stole the lions share of XP in our last D&D match *i say* smart ass *luke mutters before clapping his hands and disappearing as i take off my tie and wrap it around the line * such a nice tie..* i mutter before climbing into the window testing the knot and then i push off and zip-line at high speed towards the tree below mission impossible style and then I let go about a foot from the tree unknot my tie and retie it around my neck and run towards the fray as the military opens fire on the angry crowd and i take position and fire at the soldiers with my pistol managing to pick off several of them as the report of a sniper rifle is heard seconds after i see someone go down* cra- *i start to say before a solider fires at me and i fire back as the rest of the team comes running onto the field alongside coverfire from luke and his rifle though its quite clear things are escalating fast as flashes of light appear in the crowd and a lighting strike takes out a crowd of soldiers* well done whoever did that *i say to myself placing my gun in my belt as electricity begins to build in my hands sparking and getting brighter by the second and i let myself touch the ground with one hand and the electricity arch from me and carve a friary path from me to the small army thats my target as the rest of the team jumps into the fray fearlessly acting as a type of deterrent to calm things down slightly from the crowds side of things and keeping themselves firmly on the line between crowd and guns knowing they wont be shot and if they are the soldiers know full well they dont stand a chance of living as the electricity arks from the ground at those who are still firing and with that all falls quiet minus the cries screams and moans of the wounded and the grieving as everyone suddenly stops to soak in the corpses strewn all over the place and the shear fact that all these people just died because someone made an assumption sets in though me and the team go around and tend to the wounded as we are the only ones on scene with enough medical experience to give aid as a depressing mood sets in on the area as though the world has just stopped moving or time is stuck (to anyone watching a clock it would be) * so..this is how humanity dies...not with a bang, but a whimper...*i say to myself wiping the sweat from my face and the blood from my hands *

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