Chapter 5:The Detective

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-present day, 2277, the ruins of the watchers HQ- I suppose the day of reckoning was a wake up call for me...granted, the world turned on even if i find the others...our crime fighting days are probably over...but..its been two i assume the still looking for them though...*i say to myself walking through the scorched and chard ruins when all of the sudden my phone rings and i take it from one of my pockets* well..thats a good sign *i say noticing its the detective i hired before i answer it* hello? *pause* this is Jessica jones, the detective you hired *pause* ah, its good to hear from you *i say* i assume you've found something? *pause* indeed i have *she says* come to my office and we'll discuss it *pause* I'll be there shortly *i say before hanging up with a sigh before it almost immediately rings again* ah, mr. wick, lovely to from you *i say answering it* oh please *John says* we both know nether of us likes hearing from the other *i chuckle slightly* true enough got anything new for me? *pause* well, the amount on your head has increased to about 20 million *pause* is that all? I figured id have more then that on me by now *john laughs* ah well.. the fact you've killed about 75 percent of his influence in the city combined with the fact he knows im hot on his ass probably have him scared *pause* the later fact would definitely scare me..the former would piss me off, if i were him at least *i say after a moment walking to my car* true enough *john says* and one more thing *he adds after a second* its my understanding you hired a private eye to help with the search of your missing friends *pause* yeah..i did...*i say after a second sounding a bit surprised* how'd you know? *pause* intuition *he says and hangs up* oh boy...*i say to myself getting into my car and starting it* -several minutes of driving later-*i park on a street corner and walk to the address of the alias investigations detective agency and walk upstairs to it then knock on the door* -moments later- *Jessica Johns answers the door* good to meet you in person *she says and i smile* id say the same to you, but I don't exactly have much time for niceties *she smirks slightly* well, i cant say i blame you..being the busy guy you are..come on in and take a seat because your gonna want here what ive dug up on that missing persons case *i nod slightly and step inside rubbing my severely electrical burned hands * nice office by the way *i say taking a seat *thanks *she says pulling a file from her desk* now, you do understand your looking at taking down the Russian mob right? The only person with the nerve to do that is the punisher and myself *i smirk slightly crossing my arms* yeah i know, but it's revenge miss jones...and you of all people should understand what revenge can do to a person *she frowns slightly* I guess your right, but what ive found, would point to more then just points to something more then that..and that's just your motives...not the guy who I'm about 99 present is who you're after, Ivan Petrov...leader of the mobs business here in the city, the type of man who could kill a man just by looking at him *i smirk slightly* and you think that scares me? *i ask raising a brow* sky *she says looking me in the eyes* i know your reputation, and not much scares you but he should *she slides the file to my side of the desk and i open it and look at the attached photos* these real? *i ask after a second * yeah..*she says looking down* police found one of them..the girl, dumped just south of town..alive..but in critical condition this morning..seems she was tortured...and just that enough to make me want to help you go kick this guys ass...*pause* I wouldn't mind the help *i say after a moment gritting my teeth angrily* well..i think I've got room in schedule and i may call a few friends of mine, to get a little extra kick in our company *i smile* thank you *i say after a moment* not a problem sir *she says with a smile* just doing my part * to protect the city, and save worlds protectors *i sigh softly * I don't deserve that title *i say softly looking down* maybe not *she says after a moment* but world need you, so get your shit together and let's go save the rest of your team *i nod slowly * i know your line of work is hard..but you just have to power though *she says after a moment* its not as easy as you make it sound *i say after a moment* feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and the state of your teammates is..your fault is more then hard...its draining..and it wrecks you...*i say quietly* then build yourself back up, carry that weight with pride, and go kick some ass, oh..and have a strong drink, you'll feel better me *i nod slightly the pep talk having done its work i stand up* thank you for the help *i say as she stands up* dont mention it *she says following me to the door and opening it* I'll call you later once I've made arrangements *she says* ok, I'll be waiting *i say before walking down the hall when all the sudden a group of men round the corner carrying silenced weapons* shit...a hit squad *i mutter taking a step back and pulling a pistol from where it's holstered at my side taking aim* I wouldn't do that if i were you! *one of them shouts before i shoot them* and i don't care what you think *i say coldly and the sound of the gunshot causes Jessica to peek out of her office as a full on gunfight erupts i duck into her office seeing to door open slightly* hello again *i say to her as bullets fly down the hall and then i roll into the hall and return fire taking everyone of them out with a headshot* well done *Jessica jones says* thanks * i say holstering my gun after reloading it* and yeah, it is personal *i add after a second * since this is the second time this assholes tried to kill me in the last week*she laughs* thats your back *i nod* trust me..i do...its second nature for me now *i say softly cracking my knuckles*see you later *i say before walking out of the building and to my car looking over my shoulder as i do so having now gotten a bit paranoid *

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