Chapter 16-infultration

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((Skys POV)) "youve got some explaining to do" *luke says to me as we come into the TARDIS* "yeah, i know and it will come all in good time my friend" *i say to him as The Doctor mans the controls and the whole thing rattles slightly* "I can't help you fix things" *The Doctor says to me* "or..more accurately i can, just not how you want them fixed because the aliens coming to this moment is fixed, so it can't be changed but what i can do is get you to the mothership and help you fight...what I would call parasites going from world to world killing innocent and just completely making one big bloody mess of everything they come up on" *i nod* "you wouldn't happen to know a good way to kill them would you?" *i ask turning to the others as i know more about what happened with Will then they think i do* "double tap seems to do it" *luke says adjusting his hat* "like a zombie then?"*i ask unable to keep myself from asking* "you could say that yeah" *he says * "well then I'd say we have a plan, not as thought out as i want but it'll work" *pause* "Steven, any ship weak points we can a cliche self destruct...or something? *pause* "its got a sensitive reactor and i know where damage will melt it down" *he says* "good, which means we have two main goals, the reactor and the leader" *pause*"that would be the Queen..hideous as all hell...and the whole....shall we say...source of the hive mind most of my species has operating as we can't be spotted unless we want a massive fight on our hands""you got it" *pause* "everyone clear that under no circumstances are we going to split up" *everyone nods as the doctor hands me a communicator of sorts* "activate it when your ready and I'll come pick you up" *he says and with a nod from me the door opens and me and the group step from the TARDIS onto the alien mothership* "god..i hate the smell" *blayke says* "you'll get used to it" *Steven says as the TARDIS disappears behind us* "I'll lead the way"*and with that we go deeper into the ship sneaking slow and methodical but we go undetected making our way to the reactor and rig explosives to it throughly making sure it's together properly and then shit starts going wrong as we get detected and start having to fight* "bad day" *i mutter as we get surrounded not far from the reactor* "well..this is great" *Steven says with sarcasm* "not the time for sarcasm!" *blayke says gripping a knife in one hand and a gun in the other* "ready for this?" *i ask tightening the grip on my rifle* "not really" *luke says as we tighten our formation so we see the full thee-sixty circle around us* "I believe there's a technical term for this" *i say after a moment of silence* "what would that be?" *luke asks* "FUBAR" *i say looking around at the near savage looking aliens around us*

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