Chapter 6:A rescue mission

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-downtown New York city, 18:30 that night, across the street from a bar the mob is known to conduct business from-*i sit on a bench calmly watching people enter and exit the bar having followed the advice of detective jones earlier and gotten a strong drink from the bar whilst gathering intel i sigh leaning back a bit to get comfortable* the joys of this line of work *i say to myself playing with a quarter in my left hand moving it back and forth between my fingers when my phone rings and answer it using my right hand* hello? *pause* me and my associates have a time and place where we know ivan will be *Johns says after a moment* yeah..I'm staring right at him *i say spotting him the crowd across the street* so you'd better get your ass down here or you'll miss the fun *i hang up and run across the street and grab Ivan by the shirt* you've got a minute to live, I suggest you tell me where my friends *i say to him looking him straight in the eyes letting it be strongly convoyed how pissed off i am* no *he says with a thick Russian accent* I ain't tellin you shit *i smirk slightly as john wick comes into view shooting a pair of goons on the way towards the two of us* well, that was easy *he says upon seeing me holding Ivan by the shirt* capture was, getting him to anther story *John smirks* unless you're me, and the story changes so..Ivan *he says looking the Russian in the face* remember that car you wrecked a couple years back? *Ivans eyes go wide and he nods* that was my car...*john says* and you don't wreck my god damn car and expect me to be ok with it, especially when I'd just bought, you can ether give whatever information it is my associate here wants or, you can find out why it is they call me the man you send to kill the boogeyman, Она включает в себя? *he says in Russian and Ivan nods hurriedly turning a slight pale color* good *he says with smile* their *ivan swallows hard* in a room in this bar walk to the back , you'll see a keypad...password is 2124 *i smile* thank you *i say letting him go as Jessica jones daredevil and luke cage walk up* and who are you supposed to be? *jones asks wick* I'm an acquaintance of your client here *he says pointing to me* pay me no mind *i chuckle slightly at this* follow me *i say motioning to the group and we walk into the bar and go to the back where i find the keypad and enter the combination causing a hidden door to open* ready for this? *i ask the others rolling up my sleeves a bit* of course we are *jones says* then let's do it *i say running into the hall beyond the door followed by the rest seconds before i deck the first guard in the hall followed by jones and luke cage decking two more followed by daredevil taking out a pair * show off *Jones says to him and i chuckle* the fact he's blind kinda makes that even more embarrassing *i say after a second* true *cage says* I'd like to point out *i say* that you're all about to get beat *johns scoffs at this* bitch please *i smirk* watch this *i say before jumping into a group of four guys and deck every one of them* i stand corrected *jones says after a moment* good to see you saw that *i say checking my breath * because i will not be zdo it again..for a few minutes at least *i say and look around a minute see a split in the hall and we all split up with me and jones going one way and luke cage and daredevil going the other and as i run done the hall a scream is heard which makes me run faster paying no mind to men in my path ready to kill someone i kick down the door from which the scream came and run in jones hot on my tail and like a scene from an action movie time seem to slow as every goon in the room whips out their guns and turns around then I immediately knell and put a hand on the floor closing my eyes the room fills with electric blue as a wave of lighting washes over every goon in the room and i stand up cracking my knuckles with every one of them down* now your really showing off *jones says before i run over to the cells in the back of the room to find luke, dawson, and logan all restrained in them covered in blood * my..god..*i say eyes widening before i shoot the locks off and throw open the doors with jones helping me remove the restraints and she calls for emts while i run off in search of the others now full of a fury unmatched by any man since that day kicking down doors, murdering fools, and letting myself go to the hands of my anger and rage, beating fools better then mr.T himself and before i know it the facilities goons surrender getting the memo of "oh shit, he's pissed off" and i walk though the faculty until i find dalton and Steven along with luke cage and daredevil as they call for emts as well with Steven looking almost evil, his eyes glowing blood red in anger* calm down Steven *i say sitting on the floor next to him* that's easier said then done *he says gritting his teeth* says the guy not having the weight of the world, his friends nearly dying on him AND is having to have an anger management talk with not only himself but a member of anther humanoid species *i say after a moment * and i mean you *he glares at me* you want anger management? *he says* I'll show you that, by managing it to help kick your ass *i frown* you don't want to do that Steven *i say standing up* but if you really want to be a smart cass feel free to try *he smirks standing up himself and throws a punch which i block and follow it up by throwing a punch myself which hits him square in the jaw * that all you got? *i ask smirking before Steven throws a fury of punches that I mange to block somehow and i catch his arm on the last one twist it whirl him around and put him in a tight headlock* what was that you said? Something about kicking my ass? *i ask Steven* shut up *he mutters * calm down before you do something you'll regret big guy *i say after a second * im serious. *he smiles* i am calm. Calmly kicking your ass *and with this he flips my over his head and i hit the floor hard on my back but having been prepared i stand up again as more punches come flying at me though i again manage to block most of them and land a hard kick to the chest sending Steven flying back* and again, what was that about kicking my ass? *i ask leaning against a wall smirking* made your point *Steven says* good *i say and then help him up as the emts arrive and quickly get to work*

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