Chapter 9-time travel

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Day 35- military forces showed up again today and exchanged fire with perimeter guard...and id say something snappy about I always knew the government was bad..but humor is a rare thing to find nowadays.....and I doubt anyone would find that funny...and I suppose this is war...and war...war never changes...because no matter the always ends the Jurassic Park movies...just not quite as...shall we say...repetitive..not to say Jurassic Park is bad being the classic that it is..but after...10 different sequels and reboots it got war...same concept every time just different protagonists...or you could compare it to a stale D&D storyline that's been played too many times where no surprises exist unless you have a creative DM..and I suppose you could just say war is just a giant D&D game...two parties each going after a quest for something if time is sentient it would be the DM and those of us stuck in the middle? We'd be the rogues fighting for our own causes and maybe having some revenge quest..but I've figured make your own destiny and I suppose if we're continuing the D&D comparison we create and mold our own character into..whatever we want in it rogue, fighter, healer or wizard...(hints why wizards and magic don't exist, makes things more complicated and they suck) granted..i see the world through what most people would say is a weird perspective...and yes, i know D&D was never meant to be used in such a comparison as the above but nether was doctor who...but he made an anti-war speech..and I suppose that's what im trying to make an anti war speech like The Doctor's...even if im the only one who ever reads it...because..even I myself...the not level minded hero type with a hero complex..low self-a-steam and a slight anger issue need a reminder of what war is...and why its quote the almost 200 year old show game of thrones...Winter is coming and this camp? Is not anywhere close to ready and with only a few weeks supplies and meds running low as military clashes intensify talks are in the works to move camp farther from the nearby town so the military will have harder time getting to us since it's obvious no helps coming from anyone it god...the government..don't matter...we're on our own physically with only each other..because even if the threat is..alien is still in numbers even if everything is FUBAR...all we can do is survive but as Steven puts it..thats all we are doing and it's no way to live..funny how the craziest of us all is the one who makes the most sense...of course..crazy is just a..relative term..used to describe those who are..different from the rest of..civilization..though i will say thats a good thing to have those kind of people because an idea like time travel? no sane person is willing to try but me? i dream of doing something like that..because i see history as a template for what not to do, rewrite it and "burn the book" so to speak, and things get fun we go ladies and gentleman time to change history to fix the future if it works...i suppose writing this is pointless as it will change too but what the hell

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