Chapter 24: Mosaic

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OKAY SO I haven't been on here in like forever and I just found out that WATTPAD HAD PUBLISHED MY HALF FINISHED, UNNAMED CHAPTER. FUN TIMES. Anyways, here is a finished, named, chapter.


~Lucy's POV~

I wake up to a ton of shouting, and all I can think about is how Natsu should not be fighting in his state. I shout out for him, sitting up incredibly fast. Wendy beside me squeals in fear at my sudden movement.

"Lucy!" she cries, flinging herself at me, "You're awake! I've been so worried!"

"Hey Wendy. What's happening?" I ask, hugging her tightly.

"Natsu, Erza, and Grey, just beat the element four for the second time, and now they're just left with Raiden and the Queen to deal with."

"That Queen is bad news."

"Yea, she seems really pissed. Then she started shouting to that blonde haired guy reminding him that he absorbed something... She said he absorbed the element four, I guess that's why they were so easy to beat."

"Isn't he part of the element four?" I rub my head, feeling my brain pulse like a deadening heartbeat.

"Yea I thought so too, until he literally took their powers for himself and watched while their butts got kicked by Erza and Grey."

"Raiden must be a teachers pet. In this case, a queen's pet."

She nods. "But I don't know. Natsu seems pretty enraged... I don't think Raiden will be a problem."

I turn to see Natsu land an upper cut to Raiden's jaw, only for the blonde to twist and land a kick to Natsu's chest. Black flames pour from Raiden's fists, and whenever they touch Natsu's skin, he eats it up like candy.

"How does Natsu know how to beat him?" I ask.

"We went after you, Lucy. After finding out that Lisanna wasn't really Lisanna. Natsu didn't want to stop, but we needed a break. And shortly after, the element four found us. Juvia and some others joined up with us around the start of the fights. We destroyed them all. These must not be them, or their bodies animated in some horrid way. That guy that Gajeel and Levy faced off against looks pretty burnt..." She gestures to the charcoal colored guy lying motionless on the floor. "This queen must have channeled some sort of magic to 'reincarnate' them. I don't know how she did it, but they were absolutely useless."

"Really?" I look down at my hands. "How was Natsu when... you know..."

She catches on, "He was furious. He practically tore himself apart," she whispers quietly. Raiden's on-fire body flies past us, skidding across the concrete floor. Defeated.

"Well, that was boring," Natsu whines. His head turns toward me and he tosses me my leather pouch of keys. "Thought you should have this back, Luce." I hug the keys to my chest, tightly, apologizing a thousand times to them. I know Aquarius will be pissed.

I look over at Kurono. She is shocked. And enraged. Her revenge had failed.

I slowly get to my feet, hobbling over to Natsu.

"Lucy, what are you doing?" he asks, catching me as I stumble.

"We will defeat her together. She doesn't seem to be much good on her own. I'm guessing that's why she didn't make it into Grimiore Heart's squad."

"You underestimate me, Lucy," Kurono steps toward us. "I am not as weak as you think I am."

"You put on a big show about how mighty you were, but you made your slaves do all the work? Seems pretty weak to me," I spit at her.

She puts her fingers together, and a mighty wind picks up in the warehouse. "You see, I created the element four! I am the one who gave them their powers. They were nothing without me!"

"I hate to break it to you," Natsu snickers. "But we defeated 'your powers' pretty easily."

She takes a seat on the floor. Her hands move to grip the sides of her head, and she starts to cackle. Loud and obnoxious. The sound seems to echo throughout the entire room, like a malfunctioning amp.

Natsu stiffens beside me. "What is it?" I ask.

Erza and Gray move up beside us. Wendy joins us, too. "She's emanating a hell of a lot of magic," Natsu answers.


~Natsu's POV~

I could sense the magic surrounding her, intense and unreal.

The ceiling concaved behind us, and everyone from before drops into the warehouse.

"What are you guys doing here?" Gray exclaims, and exchanges an intense glance with Juvia.

"We couldn't miss the fun," Laxus laughs, and his gaze turns to the cackling witch on the floor. His brows narrow. He starts to run toward us, "She's gonna explode!"

"What?" Lucy shrieks.

As if on command, every inch of the witch's body starts to expand, and her skin starts to glow with her own dark magic. She is going to blow up. And take us with her.

Suddenly everyone starts running toward us, screaming commands at one another. Chaos ensues, and everyone knows that we would are going to get caught in the blast. Juvia is running for Gray, Freed and Bickslow catch up with Laxus, who is starting to spark and sizzle.

Lucy turns to me, "We don't have much time," she yells over the chaos.

Laxus comes up beside me and aims a strong spark of lightning at the slowly growing witch. Beside him, Freed, then Bickslow, then Gray and Juvia, one after another all join in, aiming there magic at the bomb just feet from us. Soon everyone has circled the witch, faces drawn in concentration, readying there magic, waiting for a command. Lucy beside me whimpers as she tries to extend her hands in front of her. Remnants of the dark magic still remain on her inner forearms, and I watch as she raises quivering arms, summoning whatever magic she has left. Heartbreaking at the sight of her will, I take one of her hands in mine, and send magic down our bond, connecting the bits of magic we both have left. 

The witch has swelled massively, her giant mass starting to quake, causing the entire room, the air, everything to shake. 

"ON MY COMMAND!" Laxus bellows. "ONE... TWO... THREE... NOW!"

Brilliant streams of magic shoot from every mage's hands, all aimed precisely at the bomb, all hitting their target at the same second.

The sight was indescribable, as the witch exploded, the air was thick with magic, so tangible you felt as though you were wafting through water as you walked. The entire warehouse ended up in a heap of dust and ruble. Nothing was left of the witch, except the intense dark colors that exploded as she was...popped. It mixed with the lights of our own magic, creating a mosaic of color and art. The light was so intense, all eyes burned, but in seconds, the beautiful array vanished, leaving behind just a circle of immensely tired wizards, all of which who couldn't wait to go home.

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