Chapter 22: Her Revenge

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Hia. So its been awhile, and I'm sorry I made you guys wait. I was hoping to update sooner than this (as in last week), but I was on a really long bus ride and my phone died so I couldn't, (and idiot me forgot to bring my laptop). But, at least I'm updating now! Alright, onto the chapterrrr....


~Natsu's POV~

There she is, right in front of my eyes. I have never been happier or more terrified from seeing her. Her once beautiful skin is covered with the strands of her now-black veins, which pulse with a purplish glow in a rhythm like a heartbeat. I inhale through my nose reflexively and am bombarded by many smells, all of them coming from Lucy, but none of them are even recognizable. Within the stench of the stranger's magic pumping through her body, her own smell still remains, faintly but still there, diminishing with each passing second.

Her regular eye catches mine and the entire room stills. Tension buzzes in the air, and I see a twinkle of recognition in her eye.

"" she mutters, a damaged hand reaching out towards me. I yearn to take it, to hold her, to comfort her, to save her. "" she breathes, and all at once the darkness envelops the rest of her face, and the last of her smell vanishes.

"LUCY!" I shriek, hurtling myself at her cage, tearing the iron bars apart. I grasp for her, taking her up in my arms, holding her as I sob. Her body, completely still against me, tenses suddenly, and her hand shoots forward, grabbing hold of my throat with intense strength that is not her own. A cackling laugh is released from her mouth as her grip tightens, cutting off my air stream. I pry her bony fingers off my throat and jump back, hacking and gasping for breath.

I whip my head at the dark witch, "What have you done to her!?" I scream.

"Turned her into a powerhouse, so I can use her to destroy Fairy Tail in its existence," she says casually, walking slowly towards the evil, laughing Lucy kneeling on the floor. She thrusts her hand into Lucy's hair and drags her to her feet, tipping her face close to Lucy's, a small smile growing on her face. "Beautiful, isn't it? Not the power of love, but watching it rip itself apart! It's intensely amusing." Lucy's laughs cease, replaced by a serious scowl, as her black eyes narrow on me.

"Now, Lucy darling," the witch whispers, "Go kill that charmingly little squirt you care so much for! Slowly, painfully, while your friends watch."

Lucy's smile returns as she nods. The witch releases her and she bursts towards me, at a speed so fast she's a blur as she brings her knuckles across my face. I fly back with the impact, landing on the ground meters away.

"Natsu!" Erza shouts. I see a flash as Erza reequips a sword into her hand.

"No Erza," I say. "Let me handle her. You'll kill her. All of you will. I'm the only one."

~Erza's POV~

I watch as Natsu stumbles to his feet, gasping. His face is purple in color, swelling from where she belted him high on his cheekbone.

"Lucy," he whispers. "It's me."

What the hell is he doing? She isn't Lucy anymore!

The witch cackles happily, "Oh you stupid boy! That won't work! You'll have to kill her to get her to stop killing you. This is her revenge. You see, if you hadn't been so easily corrupted by me, and treated her the way you did, this magic wouldn't have been nearly as powerful! This magic is fueled by her thirst for vengeance, for her yearning for revenge for the pain you caused her."

Natsu wipes the away the blood pouring from his lip with the back of his hand. "Well, thanks for clearing that up." He doesn't seem one bit worried at this new information. Does he have a plan?

Lucy runs at him again, kicking him square in the chest. He flies back another couple of feet, and she goes after him, grabbing him by the leg and slamming him into the ground. She jumps on him, and starts swinging ferociously. Punch after punch, smack after smack, she continues mercilessly. And Natsu doesn't even bother to fight back.

She gets off of him, blood pouring from her knuckles, and starts kicking him in the side. After a couple hits, a crack echoes throughout the warehouse. Everything stills, and Lucy halts her attacks. Breathing heavily, Lucy falls to her knees. A terrorizing scream tears through her throat, and tears stream from her eyes.

"NATSU!" she screams. "I WILL NEVER...EVER...LOVE YOU!"

And with that, the exhausted Lucy slumps to the ground without another word.



Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! And yes, I will be continuing this story. I'm considering writing a sequel to this after it finishes. Comment what you think!

Love ya,


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