Chapter 15: Tell me or Die

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HI! WE MADE IT TO 1K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OML

Thank you guys sooooooooooo much for all the love and support you have given me! I can't believe we actually made it! THIS IS INSANE! I know like other authors have made it to millions of reads but for me, a rookie author, this is amazing. Thank you!

So now, onto the chapter!


~Gajeel's POV~

"Hello boys, my name's Raiden. Care to fight?"

None of us respond, just stare. Natsu finally snarls and breaks the silence.

"Who the hell are you?" he growls.

Raiden scoffs, "Are you dumb?"

"Get the hell outta here," Laxus threatens.

"But why? Fighting would be a lot more enjoyable," Raiden smiles.

"Cut the act pretty boy," I shout. "What do you want?"

Raiden ponders this for a minute, "Its more about what you want."

"What?" Natsu breaths.

"Yes, you know what I mean."

Laxus and I share a look.

"Where is she? Where are you keeping her!" Natsu yells, and his hands alight with bright flames.

"It's funny, you're just as dumb as she is!" Raiden laughs.

Oh god.

Natsu's heels dig into the dirt as he braces himself for an attack, "Tell me."

"Or what?" Raiden taunts.

"Tell me or DIE!"

~Erza's POV~

Jellal breaks through the trees before me, and he stops dead in his tracks. I come up beside him and stop as well, taken aback by the sight.

A fight is brewing.

Natsu stands before a tall, stunning man with striking blonde hair. Behind him are four others: one girl and three guys.

The girl is short, and wearing all white, like some sort of empress. One guy is wearing green, the other brown, and the last one blue. The blonde one stands out from the rest. He wears black.

"Natsu?" I ask warily. Who are these people?

"Tell me where she is!" Natsu shrieks at the main guy, and pounces at him. The enemy dodges, and Natsu is blasted out of the air from a cutting wind, dealt by the small girl.

"Who are they?" Jellal mutters, and Laxus answers.

"The main guy is named Raiden. The others are unknown. But they have Lucy."

Jellal and I both gasp. Natsu gets up and charges again. This time he's hit by a giant tree shaft, and pounded to the ground. The tree vanishes back into one of the guys' arms.

"Natsu stop!" I yell. "Its useless when they're all together!"

"Let's split 'em up then!" Laxus shouts, and chaos ensues. Gray bounds towards the guy in blue, icy particles pouring from his palms. Gajeel takes a swing at the guy in green, pushing him into the forest. Laxus, followed by Freed and Bickslow go for the meaty guy in brown. Leaving only the small girl in white. Jellal and I share a glance, and we start towards her. She smiles and skips away, leading us into the dark undergrowth.

~Gray's POV~

"So you've decided to play the game?" I shout as I chase after the guy in blue. I lurch to a halt as I break into a clearing with a river cutting across it. Blue stands on the other side.

"Gray of Fairy Tail!" he shouts. "I am Mizu."

I narrow my eyes in confusion, "How do you know me?"

"The elements know all," he responds flatly.

"Well whatever, get your but over her so we can fight!"

He raises a hand, fingers flexed open. The calm water in the river starts to churn and bubble.

"Oh so I see what you mean," I say. "You're a element mage."

Mizu nods, and draws a curved sword out of a sheath hanging from his belt. He struts up to the water, hand still raised, and dips the tip of the sword down into it.

I take that as an opportunity to attack and shout, "ICE MAKE: SWORD!" I swing at him full force, but he dodges out of the way, and I land back on my side of the river. Mizu lowers his hand and readies his own sword.

"How are you supposed to hit me from all the way over there?" I taunt, backing away from the river.

Mizu smirks, and slashes his sword. Out of nowhere, a blade of water comes hurling at me. I jump out of the way, and it narrowly misses my side.

I turn to see the aftermath, and find the grass that took the blow burnt to a crisp.

~Laxus's POV~

"C'mon babies!" I hear Bickslow shout from behind me, and I hear the hisses and whirls of his creepy-ass totem thingies.

The meat head in brown darts off into the forest, like an idiot. Does he not realize that's exactly what we wanted him to do?

He suddenly does a head dive for the ground and disappears. We all skid to a halt.

"What the hell?" I mutter.

"I'll find him," Freed says, and brushes the lock of green hair covering his right eye out of the way. "Dark Écriture: Wings." Using his finger, he hurriedly writes out his wings and takes flight, darting into the sky and out of sight. But he didn't have to go far before we heard: "Here!"

A loud explosion rings out through the air, coming from just up ahead. Bickslow and I race towards it, and find ourselves starting up a path that goes over the mountains. In front of us, Freed hovers in the air, purple script wings stretched out. Our enemy stands ahead of him, made entirely of rock.

"Was that your doing?" I ask.

"No," Freed says. "That's all him."

~Levy's POV~

I head directly back to the group, but not before more and more explosions occur. Wendy, Mira, Cana, Evergreen, Happy and Charle all stand at the ready. I burst into the clearing, and the all jump in their skins.

"What's going on Levy?" Mira asks.

"We're under attack."



So no Lucy POV this chapter... hehehe

Anyways, sorry for the abundance of POV switches, but it was kinda necessary.

Thanks again for all the reads and votes. But don't be a silent reader! PLEASE COMMENT! Give me your opinions and thoughts! I want to know!

Love you all!


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