Chapter 4: Outrage

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Hey Fairies! Oh my God I am so sorry for not updating sooner! High school is stressful AF, but finally I have a little break so I may or may not update twice today just to make up for the big gap. And it must've left you guys on edge after that last chapter... Anyways, on to the chapter!


~Mira's POV~

I suddenly feel very aware of Laxus beside me, his whole body is tense. Well, I think all of us are. We all watch in shock as Natsu glances at Lisanna again, and then speaks.

"You're weak. You're a burden. A useless addition to our team," Natsu says, his eyes cold, evil. Beside me, Laxus speaks up.

"Hey, Natsu, that's a little harsh," he says, but Natsu doesn't even glance in his direction. But Lisanna's eyes scan the room and fall onto Laxus, and they narrow.

"It's what is needed to be done," Lisanna snaps.

"What are you doing, Natsu?" Gray calls out, getting up from his seat.

"You heard me, she's off the team," Natsu says after a nudge from Lisanna.

"Why, Natsu?" Wendy asks, her voice filled with worry.

"The decision has been made," Lisanna growls at them. This is a side of Lisanna that I have never seen before. My own sister, as cruel and heartless as this? This doesn't seem right. She gives Natsu another hard nudge, and he nods. He moves closer to Lucy and looks her straight in the eyes.

"You're weak, useless, and a burden. You are off the team, Lucy," he says harshly. Even though I can only see Lucy's back, I can tell by the mood hanging over the room that all her feelings are caving in on her. Tears pour down from her cheeks, splashing over her clothes and the floor. She suddenly stands up straighter and takes a step closer to Natsu, an arm's distance between them. Then, to the utter shock of everyone in the room, she slaps him across the face, so hard that the sound echo's through the silent room. His head twists to the side with the impact and he steps back, raising a hand to his red cheek. Then Lucy pulls her earrings out of her ears and drops them onto the floor. She raises her boot-covered foot and stomps down onto the little heart earrings. They are crushed under her heel. An un-readable expression spreads over Natsu's face and Lucy pushes past him and runs out of the guild hall.

Silence follows. Nobody speaks. Everyone is in shock, even Lisanna. The mood tenses in the room as Natsu straightens and rubs his sore cheek. I can just imagine all the eyes in the room narrowing at him.

"What the hell was that, Natsu?" Gray yells accusingly.

"What's done is done," Lisanna replies, a slow smile creeping across her face. It looks....evilly satisfied. It sends shivers through my spine. Lisanna doesn't smile that way.

"No, what's done is not done. Natsu go apologize to her, you can't just kick her off the team!" Gray yells and takes three long strides towards Natsu, only leaving a foot of space between them.

"No," Lisanna suddenly yells, and everyone turns. "She is off the team, Natsu already said so." Gray's eyes narrow at her, but he turns back to Natsu.

"Do you really want to kick her off the team?" he asks slowly. Now that is the big question. Does Natsu really want to kick Lucy off the team?

Natsu doesn't respond. And Lisanna steps in between Gray and Natsu. "Yes, he does. No move along Gray. What's done is done," she spits at him.

"I wasn't asking you, I was asking Natsu," Gray replies, pushing her aside. She stumbles out of the way and Gray grabs onto Natsu's shoulders.

"Natsu," he yells into his face, "do you really want to kick Lucy off the team?!"

There is moment of silence as everyone waits in anticipation for what Natsu is going to say. And everyone is utterly dead at what he says next.


Next thing we all know, Natsu is on the floor, a patch of ice spreading over his already sore cheek. Gray had pounded him into the ground. And now the chaos starts. Everyone starts yelling and fighting each other, forced to choose either Natsu's or Lucy's side. By the looks of it, a lot of people choose Natsu's side, but not the people that matter. Gray has clearly chosen Lucy's side as he swings punches and throws creative ice-makes at Natsu. Natsu fights back, but something is off. He isn't as....excited as he usually is to fight someone.

I look up at Laxus, and he looks down at me. From the glance that we share, I can tell what side he's choosing, and it shocks the hell outta me. He's choosing Lucy's side.

He walks with big strides to where Gray and Natsu are having it out. He pushes the fighting Gray out of the way and grabs Natsu by the throat, slamming him into the wall. He pushes him higher up the wall till he is off the ground. Electricity sparks from Laxus's hand and starts to zap Natsu, who yells out in protest.

"STOP IT!" Master Makarov shouts from the back of the room, and everyone freezes. "This is an outrage! You are fairy tail wizards! You are a team, a family! You shouldn't be fighting like this! Laxus, drop Natsu. Levy, Erza, Wendy, Mira, go find Lucy." Master's eyes narrow at Natsu, who shivers slightly under his stare. "Natsu. Come with me." And with that, Master walks from the guild hall, entering through a side door that leads to a intimidating looking hallway.

Levy, Erza, Wendy and I all head silently out of the guild hall, breaking into a run as we pass the guild hall doors. Behind us, we hear a shout, and another yell, and then everyone goes silent. And, I'm guessing, Natsu just entered Master's office.



I hope you guys liked that chapter, please comment and stuff if you want more!

I will probably be updating again later today so keep an eye out!

Thanks so much for all the reads and votes!

I love you all so much, and see ya in the next chapter!


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