Chapter 21: Lucy

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Oh my god it has been SOSOSOSOSO long since I've updated... sorry guys. And since when did we hit 3k?!?! Anyways, kinda tired, kinda bored, so here's another update!


~Mira's POV~

I hear shouts coming from all around, and I resist the urge to scream in frustration. Where in the world is Laxus? Is he alright?

I tear through branch after branch, and come upon a clearing. Everything has gone quiet, and I hesitate in my tracks. What's going on? Is it over? Did we win?

I hear someone call, "Natsu!" and race towards the sound. I break through into a second clearing, where Natsu is, kneeling on the ground. Jellal, Erza, and Wendy come into view then, with Charle flying near them, and it seems she had better success with finding Wendy than I did with finding Laxus.

After them comes Gajeel, Levy and Panther Lily, who seemed to also have better luck than me. Then Gray and Juvia comes into the clearing, closer than normal. Then, finally, Laxus, Freed, and Bickslow appear.

"Everyone's here," Cana says from beside me, and I jump, not even realizing she was there.

"So we all won?" I ask slowly, and receive nods from all the fighters, except Natsu.

"Natsu?" Erza speaks up. He hesitates before getting to his feet, then he holds out whatever is in his hand to show all of us. We gasp in unison.

"Yea, you could say that I won," he says, his quirky smile lighting up his face. "He accidentally gave me the fastest way to find Lucy!"

He is awarded by cheers from everyone, and I find Laxus smiling as well, the look of true proudness on his face. His eyes suddenly turn to me, catching me in my stare. His smile changes to a half smirk, and I look away, my face probably as red as Erza's hair.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Natsu says, turning serious. "Let's go!"

"Aye sir!" a squeaky voice calls, and Happy flies up towards Natsu. Natsu grins at Happy, who smiles back at him, glad to be reunited with his best friend. Everyone nods in agreement, and Natsu brings the pouch of keys to his nose, taking in a long whiff. Silence ensues as we all wait in anticipation.

Natsu's eyes suddenly light up, and he races off through the forest, Happy close on his tail.

"Well, I guess we're heading that way," Gray snickers, and follows after them, Juvia at his side. Everyone continues after them, and I find myself in pace with Laxus.

As we're running, he looks at me, "You alright?"

Caught by surprise, I give him a confused look, "Yea, of course. I didn't even fight."

He chuckles, "Then those guys were lucky."

I blush under his praise, which he catches and his smile grows.

~Gray's POV~

We've been running in the same direction for at least an hour now, and we're still in the same damn forest.

"How much longer Natsu?" Wendy asks tiredly, and I see that her thin legs are starting to shake with the strain.

"Almost there," Natsu mutters absently.

"Yea right," Evergreen scoffs from behind us. "I think his sense of smell is not as good as it used to be."

And, just as she says that, the forest comes to an abrupt end, and beyond it stretches a barren, dry desert. We stop dead in our tracks, well except for Natsu, who continues barreling on.

"No time to stop and smell the flowers!" he shouts over his shoulder.

"What were you saying, Ever?" Laxus asks her tauntingly.

"Nothing..." she mutters angrily.

The running continues, until we catch up with Natsu, who has stopped. His hand is outstretched, pointing to something up ahead. I lean on my knees, panting.

"What is it Natsu?" I ask through breaths.


I turn my head and see a boxy-looking building just up ahead. It seems to be run down, old, and deserted.

"They're definitely in there," Natsu says solidly. He takes off again, but at a more walking pace, then he stops, and turns. "Gray, Erza, Wendy, Charle and Happy come with me, the rest of you stay here. I think team Natsu owes Lucy personally," he mutters, and the continues going. I exchange a glance with Erza, who just shrugs and follows along. I go with her, Wendy and Charle coming to my other side.

Natsu is the first to take a step into the warehouse, and he suddenly stops.

"What's wrong Natsu?" Wendy asks. Natsu doesn't reply, and just takes off into the darkness.

"Natsu wait!" I call after him, hesitantly following him into the room. A light appears to be on up ahead, and as we near it, I release a gasp. It shines directly over a cage. Inside that cage lies Lucy, crippled and shaking with pain. The shackles that encase her wrists and ankles glow a bright purple. Every vein in her body is illuminated with the same glow, entangled with streaks of a deathly black glow.

"So, I see you've found our little prison, Natsu Dragneel," someone sneers from the darkness. Then, a woman dressed mostly in black steps into the light, holding the end of a rope in her right hand. I follow the trail back into Lucy's cage, and as the woman tugs harshly on the rope, Lucy's head jerks towards us, the thick rope wrapped once around her neck and another through her mouth.

Her face is glowing with black veins as well, but only half of it is covered. She opens her eyes slowly.

One of them is normal, and the other one is completely black.


They found Lucy! Yay!

Hope you liked this update.


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