Chapter 7: Strangers in the Woods

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HEY Fairies!! So school is bleh as usual, but I will be more committed to writing this starting now. Thanks so much for all your awesome support and I'm ecstatic that we passed 200 reads and we're almost at 250!! I can't thank you guys enough. I'll probably be updating once a day or once every other day depending on my homework load. Anyway, onto the chapter!


~Natsu's POV~

For a split second, my mind is clear, accessible. My thoughts explode in chaos and my brain thinks a million different things at once. But just like that, the control is gone. And my brain is foggy and muffled again. My one last clear thought is questioning the fact that Lisanna just walked into the hallway. Are the connected?

~Erza's POV~

Natsu's face keeps changing. At first, it was expressionless, zombie-like. Then it was full emotional, clear, understandable. And now it's back to the vegetable state. I turn and look over my shoulder. It's Lisanna, she's standing behind me. I turn around to look at her, and I catch a swift movement from her hand, she whips it behind her back. Why is she hiding her hand? I turn back to Natsu, seeing if he's changed again. Nope.

I growl at him and wipe the tears from my cheeks, storming past Lisanna. I body-check her in the process.

I continue back out into the guild hall, and what I see makes my breath hitch in my throat. He's there. Right there. Standing directly in front of me.


Well, we all know it's not really "Mystogan."

His dark eyes fall on me. We stand there, in a trance. Staring at each other. My expression more of disbelief than his is. Than he does something shocking.

He pulls me into him and hugs me tight.

After the initial shock wears off, I relax into him, and I notice that the tears are coming on again. My thoughts travel back to when we were kids, when he always comforted me when I was sad, protected me when I was frightened, and stayed with me when I was alone.

Then I'm suddenly aware that all the eyes in the hall are on us. Jellal seems to realize this as well and he pulls back, taking my hand and leading me out of the guild hall through the back door that leads to Fairy Hills. 

He leads me off the main path and onto a trail that leads to a small meadow with one large tree growing up in the middle of it. There's a small stream running through the center of the grass plain that leads into a small lake a ways away.

He maneuvers so that my back is to the tree, and he hugs me again, wrapping his large blue cloak around me, swathing me in the soft fabric.

It's an odd sensation, being hugged by Jellal. I never pinned him for a "huggy" person. Yet here we are, standing in the middle of a beautiful garden, hugging.

He pulls back every so slightly, just so that he can meet my eyes. "I heard about Lucy," he says gently. All I can do is nod, my breath has been sucked away. He brings his thumb up to wipe away a stray tear, and the moves his hand to lightly cup the back of my neck. "It brings to mind something that I've been meaning to talk to you about," he continues.

"What?" I manage to choke out.

He doesn't say anything in response. With his other hand, he places a finger under my chin and tips my head back, bring his lips down to mine.

The kiss is soft, delicate. And he breaks away after a couple seconds, meeting my eye again. We stare into each other's eyes for half a second before our lips join again. This time, it's more intense, stronger. He steps forward, pressing my back against the thick trunk of the old tree.

Our lips move in rhythm, as if it were a dance. My hands move to his hair, stroking through it. That's something I have always wanted to do. His hands press against the tree on either side of me, and he presses harder into the kiss. I bring my hands to the sides of his face and pull him closer to me.

And then, it's over. Jellal pulls back and we both catch our breath. I lean back against the tree, breathing hard. Jellal seems to be less tired than I am, and he smiles at me in a slightly mocking way.

"So that's what you needed to talk about?" I ask, my breathing returning to normal.

He laughs softly, "Not talk, necessarily. More like 'do'."

Then I have the feeling that he's going to kiss me again when we hear loud shouts coming from the guild hall. Jellal and I share a look, and we both are thinking the same thing:


~Lucy's POV~

I've started walking again and I feel like I'm just getting more and more lost. It has gotten dark already and I can barely see three feet ahead of me.

Things are pretty freaky out here at night. But my mind doesn't really care, it just keeps replaying the scenes from earlier over and over again.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a rustling coming from a nearby bush. What is it? A bear? A wolf? A raccoon?

A dark shape comes out of the bush starts coming towards me. I shriek and my hand immediately moves to the keys at my belt. My adrenaline pumps rapidly as the shape approaches. As it gets closer, I start to be able to make out features. And it's definitely not a bear or a wolf or a raccoon.

It's a person.

They take a step further towards me and stop. They are standing in a patch of moonlight that lights up they're entire body.

It's a guy. A very stunning guy. He has his hands raised in surrender, but a playful smile dances across his thin lips. That means he doesn't see me as much of a threat. Great, I'm weak to even the people who don't know me.

"It's odd to see someone out and about in these woods this late at night," he says. I shiver, his voice is so silky smooth, so deep,

"I'm lost," I say.

"No shit," he replies, and laughs a deep, throaty chuckle. He extends one hand towards me and his smirk returns. "Raiden."

I take his hand slowly, "Lucy," I say feebly.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy."

"And you," I say numbly, scanning my surroundings. What was this guy doing in the woods?

His brow raises as he watches me look around. "Do you need a place to stay for the night?"

I clench my jaw. Should I go with Raiden? Should I try and find my own way out of this godforsaken forest? Can I trust Raiden? I have so many questions.


"Come on then, Ms. Lost. Let's see to it that you won't be lost for much longer."


Bonjour my Fairies!

I hope you guys enjoyed that little Jerza scene in the beginning of the chapter!

I love all of you so much and I can't thank you enough for all the love and support you give me!

I'll update again soon!


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