Chapter 6: She's Gone

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HEY FAIRIES!!!! Oh my lord I got the best thrill yesterday when my story passed 100 reads! I love you all so much and thanks for all the comments and the reads! Its amazing! We're nearing 200 reads and I'm so happy! ACKKK! Anyways, on to the chapter!!!


~Lucy's POV~

I run. I run and I run and I run. My adrenaline is pumping so hard and the tears are flowing like waterfalls. But it is for the best. Well, for them, not for me. I'm alone. So very alone. And I'm running like I never have before. And I have yet to convince myself to just forget all about it and start over. But my mind is replaying everything over and over again.

And I hate myself for it.

Get over him. He doesn't love you. He loves Lisanna. Get the hell over it.

But I can't, no matter how hard I try. Natsu isn't something you can just "get over". He's something more. Well, not anymore... The reasonable part of me pipes up. I resist the urge to cry harder, and I slow down. My adrenaline has faded and now I just feel exhausted.

There is nothing around but a lonely set of train tracks a ways away. I'm practically in the middle of nowhere. And the sun has already started to set. How long have I been out here? How long have I been running? I really have no clue.

I walk over and sit down on the ground beside a tall, old looking tree. I pull my suitcase onto my lap and unzip it, my eyes immediately glancing at the thing resting on top. It's a picture. Of the worst thing possible.


He's wearing his happiest smile, standing beside me, Happy hovering over his right shoulder. Erza had taken this picture on one of our more recent missions. Before Lisanna had returned. Before Edolas. Before all that shit took place.

Tears prick behind my eyes. I don't even remember packing this. I hug the picture frame to my chest and rest my head against the tree trunk. The tears start pouring, and I sob as hard as ever.

All alone.

~Levy's POV~

Tears form in my eyes as I watch Lucy run away from us. I call out to her, but it's no use. She doesn't even turn to look back. And a thought floats into my mind. She may never turn to look back.

I glance at Mira standing across from me, she has tears in her eyes as well. Wendy stands beside her, and she carries the same hopeless expression. Happy has lowered himself to the ground and is standing there in disbelief. We all have taken a major hit.

After a while of processing the situation, Erza comes and walks past us. "Let's go back to the Guild," she says weakly. We all follow her, heads down, tears dripping. When we reach the guild doors, Erza stops and grips both door handles tightly. She swings them open with a rage that astonishes me. Everyone in the guild hall turns, silent.

They all look so expectant, as if they thought Lucy would've returned. I probably wouldn't have if I were her. Cana walks slowly up to Erza.

Cana meets Erza's eyes, not even needing to ask the question, they all wondered the exact same thing.

Erza shakes her head.

The mood in the guild hall changes. Everyone is silent, but in a different way. Like they don't know what to say or do next. Like something is missing. And something is.

Erza walks past Cana, not glancing at anyone in the guild. She has her eyes trained on one thing. The Master's office. Beside me, Wendy starts sobbing aloud, and she runs into Mira's arms, who is also starting to cry. I stand there. Alone. The person I'd normally run to is gone. Tears pour from my eyes, and my shoulders shake with heaves.

And then suddenly I'm not alone. Someone is holding me. Comforting me. And I know exactly who it is.


He pulls me into his large chest and wraps his arms around my back. I sob into him, not holding anything back. He gently strokes my hair with one hand, not saying a word.

We stay like this for longer than I'd expect. My crying fades into silent heaves, and Gajeel pulls back, gripping my thin shoulders in his hands. I look up at his face, and it's filled with sympathy and concern, an expression I rarely see on him. He brushes aside a thick strand of hair that had fallen in my face and smiles a small smile.

"C'mon Levy, let's go," he says gently, leading me across the guild hall and out the back doors leading to Fairy Hills.

I go with him, just glad I'm not alone.

~Natsu's POV~

His eyes narrow at me and I can tell he's really angry.

I don't know what I had just done. Why did I do that? I didn't even want to. I can't believe myself. I'm so cruel.

"Natsu, just tell me why you did that, this isn't like you," Master tells me, his frustration clearly growing.

"I don't know," I say tiredly. "It wasn't me." I've said this a million times by now.

"What do you mean "It wasn't you"! That is no excuse for your actions!" He yells at me.

My brain works slowly to connect the dots, and I finally come up with an answer. "It was Lisanna."


"Lisanna told me to do it. She showed me why it was necessary."

"Lisanna?!" He exclaims. "Outrageous! Don't blame other people for your cruelty."

It don't know what's wrong with me. My brain isn't working right. Like something was turned off. I can't feel anything. No sadness. No regret. No happiness. Nothing.

Someone bursts into Master's office, and the wooden door nearly comes off it's hinges.

"You," Erza spits at me. I cower back. She looks pissed. She grabs me by the neck and throws me out of the office. What's wrong me? I can't even fight back. I scramble to the wall and sit against it. Erza stalks towards me, a large sword forming in her right hand. She squats in front of me and presses it against my neck. Hard. "Why did you do that?!" she yells in my face, so loud my ears ring.

I shrug. My brain is half shut off. But there is a voice in the back of my head that's shouting at me also. It's angry.

I zone out as Erza yells at me more. What's wrong with me?

Suddenly, without warning, tears start pouring from Erza's eyes, and she starts sobbing.

"SHE'S GONE! FOREVER" she screams at me.

The world comes back into place. My brain turns on. It pounds in my skull, and it's yelling at me. Realization sets in.

Oh my god. What have I done?


Hola my Fairies!

So I hope you liked that chapter! I'm going to be at school all of tomorrow so the update will probably come later in the day.

Thanks so much for all the reads! We are almost at 200!!!

I love you all so much!


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