Chapter 19: Jellal and Erza vs. Tori

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Hey. Here's another update. Enjoy.


~Erza's POV~

The girl skipping away from us suddenly vanishes into thin air. In the middle of a dense forest, trees surrounding us on all sides, Jellal and I freeze.

"Where'd she go?" he mutters.

"Up here!" a faint voice shouts. We both look up, and see her hovering in the air above us, a wicked smile on her thin face. "Hmm, I can see why the queen sent us instead, this will be awfully boring."

Jellal beside me snarls, "So cocky, are we? The fight hasn't even started."

"It hasn't?" she raises her eyebrows, and without warning, Jellal screams out in pain, and falls to the forest floor. There is a giant gash between his shoulders, spanning his entire back, cutting through his clothes to bare skin. Dark blood soaks into his robes, turning the light gray to a dark, wet red.

"I am Tori of the Sky. I'm one of the stronger element mages, to be completely honest. Well, other than Raiden, of course." She laughs coldly, her eyes focused on Jellal.

"So your a wind mage," I spit.

"You're smart, Erza Scarlet."

"How do you know my name?" I shout

"Why, the elements know all, of course," she grins. "And your poor friend Jellal, such a tragic fate. Death by wind. Tragic, yet beautiful, isn't it?"

"REQUIP!" I shout, changing into my angel armor, "That is terrible, not beautiful."

She shrugs, "Difference of opinion. I find pain so stunning," she chuckles, "in more ways than one."

I leap off the ground and soar towards her, and I hear a cry from the ground, "Erza don't!" Jellal yells. Distracted, I look down at him, and a harsh blast of wind hits me from side. I hear Tori laugh, then the ringing starts as I tumble out of position. I reequip in midair, changing to the Japanese Cloth armor for speed, and land against a tree. I push off the tree and jump straight towards her.

Her eyes narrow, and her deep smile grows. She preforms a flip midflight and takes me head on, grabbing my wrists with her bony, pale hands. We hover there, directly over Jellal who stares up at us, grimacing in pain. Tori stares me straight in the eyes, and I notice her irises start to turn, tumble, then they turn white, leaving her eye pure white, with single, minuscule pupils in the center. Suddenly, my palms are slashed with sharp wind needles. More and more cuts are made, down my arms, legs, stomach, and even my neck. I cry out in pain, and Tori releases her grasp, letting me fall.

Jellal catches me, and I hear him grunt. He skids back slightly with momentum, then sets me on my feet.

"C'mon Erza, think!" he hisses at me, "She has the advantage in the air. We need to get her on the ground."

I shiver, "and how are we supposed to do that-"

"SKY DRAGON ROAR!" a high pitched voice shrieks. In the air, Tori starts screaming, and is hit on full blast by Wendy's attack. There is a loud thud as Tori hits the ground, and dust billows up as she tumbles across the dirt.

Out from one of the trees, Wendy, with winged Charle on her back, fly towards us.

"Erza! Jellal! Are you guys alright?" she cries, racing towards us.

Though he is on his knees and bleeding mercilessly, Jellal says, "Yea, we're okay." As soon as Wendy sees his wound, she gasps and rushes to his aid.

As she heals his gash, Wendy looks at me, "Go finish her off, Erza."

I nod, jogging off towards Tori, crippled and whimpering in the dirt. My legs start to pulse with the pain of the cuts, but I ignore it.

I approach Tori on the ground, and her eyes widen in fear. By the looks of it, Wendy seems to have broken every bone in her body. But she's not dead yet.

"Please have mercy!" she says weakly. I chuckle coldly, and say nothing.

For Lucy.

Raising my sword, I hold it directly over her chest and, letting out a battle cry, I thrust the sword through her heart, piercing the ground beneath her.


Ugh I'm so sick. Tissues are both my worst enemy and my best friend at this point...

Sorry this update is usual...

I'll hopefully update again soon!


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