Chapter Thirty-Three: Pawns of the Shadow Queen

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Destiny looked around the cramped room in a panic, but the room was empty except for one chair and a spy glass. She quickly took the spy glass, and put it to her eye. Gazing at the 'festivities' below left her breathless, but as she turned the glass to the left, she saw a large group of soldiers standing around a metal cage. It looked to be made out of the same metal as was rumored of the Cage in Twilight, and when she saw who was in it, her heart skipped a beat. Fayte lay lifeless inside, chained into an upright position. Each soldier was armed to the teeth, and Destiny had no doubt that this was Jade's deal. Play along and your sister lives,  one wrong move and she dies. Ivy appeared to be standing next to the cage, crying, and from what little Destiny could see, they weren't happy about it. Suddenly, Destiny had a crazy idea; she had to try it. She fumbled for anything in her pocket- anything at all. All she could find was the heart, but she remembered the spy glass. She banged it against the floor, and removed the half broken glass. The sun was coming up, and Destiny hoped it would be enough light to get Ivy's attention. Carefully she angled it; if it hit one of the soldiers she was done for. The light caught, and reflected down below. Flying just pass the soldiers, the light miraculously managed to hit Ivy in the eye. She looked up, and Destiny began waving her hands, hoping Ivy could see that far. She must have because Ivy nodded, then pointed at Fayte. Destiny held up the heart for an instant, trying to send the message that the plan was still on. Ivy nodded solemnly; she seemed to understand.

Just as Destiny re-pocketed the heart, Jade appeared in the room. 

"Ready?" She asked with a deep growl. Destiny looked once more at the cage, and then at Ivy, before going with Jade to the festivities. Every cool breath of wind and flower blossom would have made this morning perfect had it not been for the circumstances. Destiny was shaking, but kept walking; afraid of what would happen if she stopped.

As they passed her, Ivy involuntarily took a step forward, and several soldiers stepped in to stop her. Destiny took a deep breath, and Ivy did the same, but the determination that they found in the other's eyes told them both that they had to try to keep going. They were passing Fayte now, conscious most likely because of a little help from Ivy. The chain restraints that held her back clinked as Fayte nodded, and a deep, low growl could just be heard, but when Destiny looked back, Fayte winked with a forced smile. They were approaching a podium now, much like the one that the ring had been laid on many years before. History was about to repeat itself, but whether good would win again was debatable. Things looked bleak, and if even one of them were to be defeated, each knew that things would only get bleaker. Nightstar lay on the podium, as well as the two rings. Shadow Wolves gathered not far from where Jade stood, and the Shadow Queen herself hastened her step to reach  the stone pillar.

"More than a thousand moons ago, the Night and the Day met together to create peace. They sought to do this by destroying- hiding away- all their magic for all time." Jade's face became distorted with anger for a moment, before going on. She stared at Destiny, and Destiny met it with her own stare. Jade moved on. "They were foolish to do so- destroying the very talent that made them who they were. They thought they could bring peace through a treaty, but they were wrong!" Her voice got softer after this bold remark. "The only way to make peace is to destroy the other side so there will be no quarrel. Today, we shall bring peace!" Several cheers and applause followed, and a menacing smile crept over Jade's face. "We will destroy the light and the White Wolves in one blast, and our Shadow will steal over the whole earth! We will not only win the Great War, but we shall destroy those who have wronged us. We shall destroy the traitor!" Destiny's face turned white as Jade spoke. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"That wasn't the plan!" Destiny cried, and Jade's smile spread.

"I know," she said slowly, as all three girls realized they had been had. Jade had known all along, and now they would pay for their innocence. A platoon of soldiers went to the cage and dragged Fayte out, pulling her up to the podium. Destiny wanted to run to her sister, but the soldiers guarding her joined the soldiers now, and she knew she could never beat them all. Not now, when each of them could so easily kill her older sister. Not when Jade stood beside her, ready to give the order for execution of them both. Not when an army stood surrounding her on all sides. Jade's eyes sparkled, and why not? She was about to get everything her dark heart desired. Dark was their only hope. Destiny's hand was so close to her pocket, but she couldn't. Not until Ivy was free and they had a real chance. 

"Mother, no!" Ivy called, and a thousand or more heads turned toward her. Jade completely ignored the comment, and continued a moment later.

"Did you really think you could hide your conspiracy from my eyes and ears?!" She cried, and Destiny could feel herself trembling, and when she looked at Fayte she saw a glare of hatred, anger and disappointment that was so intense that Jade did not speak for several minutes. When she did, however, she returned the look with a magnificent fury. She turned to Destiny, and as her eyes burned, her lips formed a rueful grin. "Face it, Princess. I've won."

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