Chapter Twenty-One: Ties to the Past

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When Fayte awoke the next morning, she could sense - feel- a presence in the darkness. She looked around, trying to see who - or what- it was. She struggled for a moment, looking around. Then, she let herself relax a little.  

"Come out, Majesty." She rolled her eyes. How could she not have guessed it sooner? 

"You always were a smart one, my dear."

"Go away."

"You really think I'll listen? Especially to a traitor like you. No, we've work to do. You're going to find me that ring."

"I've told you - you'll never find it."

"Let's not debate what I will or will not find or do. You see, the thing is, I don't need to find it. You do."

"Little hard if you've got me tied up here, Jade." Fayte growled. With a snap of her fingers, the chains were gone.

"I'm willing to let you out for a bit - so long as you help me. I promised you your revenge once; I promised you could right your father's name - you're name. Don't you still want that?"

Fayte held her head high. She was trembling, but she wore the mask of bravery. As much as she hated to admit, she still wanted revenge. To make her father a hero. The queen came closer, her icy fingers grasping the stone bars that kept Fayte locked away, and kept the queen free.

"That's what I thought. Oh, but there's one little thing about the order to get everything you  desire, you also have to give me everything I  desire. And there are a few of those. One: I want that ring. You will get it for me, or all bets are off. Two: You must kill Destiny Starshadow. You know who killed your father. And she is her mother's daughter, isn't she? Third: You must remain by my side forever. No more excursions, no more running away, no more White Wolves. You will be my once again loyal, cold hearted captain, and you will end the war. Understand?" Jade smiled. Fayte was as good as her's. But to make absolutely certain...

"And I'll need to erase everything you thought you knew about the princess." Jade reached her hand out to perform the spell, but Fayte shouted.
"No! I won't do it otherwise!"

"I don't think you're in a position to make demands." The queen said with a wry smile. 

"Please!" Fayte struggled. She didn't want to lose everything again. 

"My, my, you really have gone soft. Don't worry. This will fix your little heartache too."

The queen again began to wave her hand. Fayte resisted, thinking only of Destiny. 

"I won't let you erase her." Fayte begged, tears falling now. 

"You're so sentimental about a girl you're about to kill. How sweet." Using her other hand, Jade brought the enormous hand that had nearly killed Fayte once out of the wall. Obediently, it grabbed Fayte, and squeezed just as before. 

Not having recovered from the first time, Fayte screamed as she was crushed by the weight. The hand dropped her, and the queen stood over her.

"I'm not in the mood for fraud. But the offer stands...when you're healed." Fayte could barely keep her eyes open, the room was spinning. The chains were back, sweeping her up on the wall. Her hands and feet pegged, she was helpless against the hand that remained.

"One command is all it takes," Jade laughed. "it'd be easy to do it now, but you're so persistent! I want your fire, Fayte. You don't have to be alone anymore. You can join me."

Her head spinning, Fayte refused. "Never. I will not be your pet again."

"Have it your way." A look, and the hand wrapped around Fayte's torso. She glared at the queen, and even the slightest touch made her whole body ache.

"Don't kill her. But you can play. Sweet dreams, Fayte." Jade ordered, walking away to the sounds of Fayte's screams. She smiled, and when she was alone again, she sighed.

"It didn't have to be like that, my dear. You could have had everything again." Back in the dungeon, the hand had stopped moving. It simply held tight to her, and the chains continued too grow tighter, and pulling her into the wall. She groaned, too tired to keep fighting. 

She knew what the queen wanted. The ring, and her. She wanted it to be just like the 'old days'  a lifetime ago. Once, General Moonshade had been her most loyal soldier. Now, it was Fayte, and Jade refused to give her up. 

"It wasn't my choice." A familiar voice had soothed, and a small, eight year old girl clenched her fists. 

"Then whose was it?!" She snarled, her voice thick with un-cried tears. She glanced around the castle. No one was wearing black, no one was mourning; for everyone else, life had just gone on. For everyone except her.

"He was a traitor, Fayte." The voice said, and she turned around, eyes filled to the brim and her heart raging.

"My father was a brave man! He did not  deserve to die! He was a hero..." Fayte shouted, and a single tear fell down her cheek. The woman came closer, stroking her hair.

"My darling little girl," Fayte pulled away, but the woman held tight. "A White Wolf is responsible for your father's death. Their queen led him to betray us - all of us. Don't you see? I never betrayed you; he did. I simply kept him from misleading anyone else." For the first time, Fayte turned around to see the queen speaking to her. Not that she cared who she was.

"You executed him!" She shouted.

"Fayte, I saved you. You, his daughter, can right his wrongs. You can get your revenge on the White Wolves. And I can help you do it." Jade came down to Fayte's level. "Don't you want to save your father's name? Do you really want to be known as the daughter of a traitor? Why don't you come with me, Fayte. I can make you a captain, a general someday." Heartbroken and alone, Fayte had accepted her offer. She'd become a soldier, a monster.

And she was never going back.

"C'mon Ivy," Destiny whispered. It was the dead of night, and they were coming up on the castle. Thirty more yards, and they'd be at Twilight. And then, Fayte was coming home. They hid under a tree, waiting quietly as two guards passed on their left. Ivy held Destiny back, and shook her head. No. Not yet. Destiny got the message, and let her shoulders slump.

"How much longer?" She whispered.

"We go for Fayte at midnight." Ivy whispered back. "'s the plan." A sly smile crept over the two girls' faces. Tonight was the night.

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