Chapter One: War

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                                                                  6 Years Later...

"Run!" Destiny thought to herself. She was running at top speed in her wolf form, but it wasn't fast enough. The Shadow Wolves were gnashing at her heels, hot in pursuit. She leaped over the stream. Several Shadow Wolves slunk back into the darkness, but the rest jumped, much to Destiny's displeasure.

The woods were unfamiliar now, and it was dark. The moon shone, making the snow glisten. It was beautiful, she had to admit. But there was no time for that now. All the wolves but one had left. Destiny ran harder, faster, but was soon pinned against a tree.

"Out of options," She thought. The Shadow Wolf proudly walked right to left, right to left, never taking an eye off Destiny. Hoping for an escape, she willed herself turn back to a human. The other wolf kept her pinned, though.

"What do you want?" Destiny demanded.
"Perhaps your head on the Queen's wall?" The other wolf mused, transforming into a human as well.
"Give me one good reason I shouldn't cut it off right now." The girl said, running her finger along a silver blade. She was taller than Destiny by a head or so, her dark hair long and thick. A single silver streak hung over her ear, but she hurriedly pushed it back.

"I'm cute, and way too young to die?" Destiny asked, batting her eyes.
"Nice try, Princess. Any last words?"
"Plenty. Who are you, and why do you bear my pack's ring?" Destiny leaped out of the girl's path, and in turn cornered her against another tree. Her new enemy laughed.

"That the best you got, Princess?" She asked.
"Look. I'm not going to hurt you. I do want answers, however. Tell me about the ring. Where did you get it?"
"I could ask the same of you! Who cares about this dumb ring, anyway?" The girl answered, her voice sharp.
"Me. Now answer."
"Why should I? You said yourself you wouldn't hurt me."
"A girl can change her mind. Now talk."
"What if we make a deal?"
"I don't make deals with White Wolves."

"Fine. Tell me what I want to know, and you'll never have to see me again."
"Sounds like another deal, but I'll do it."
"Really? I mean, Great!" The girl rolled her amber-colored eyes, then began:
"I got it from my father, okay? Lemme go!" She shoved Destiny back, but didn't run. Instead, she simply held one arm, and turned her back to Destiny.

"Is he a Shadow Wolf?" Destiny questioned.
"That wasn't part of the deal." The girl's voice was cold; Destiny had struck a nerve.
"Who. . . who are you?" Destiny asked slowly.

The girl turned back, and Destiny saw a glint of a tear in her eye. She wondered what had happened to her father, and for a moment, almost pitied her. The girl smiled a dark, mysterious smile and said,
"A Shadow Wolf. Let me leave it at that, and maybe I can forget to report you here."
"On one condition: Meet me tomorrow at Lone Wolf Cave. Come alone."

"See you tomorrow, Shadow." Destiny called back. The girl had already turned back into a Shadow Wolf and had begun to walk away, her black coat disappearing into the night. 

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