Chapter Eight: Tipping Points

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"Wait here." Ivy instructed, before disappearing in a cloud of sparkling white dust. Destiny watched anxiously as Ivy then reappeared next to a willow tree. It took her a long time to realize Fayte was kneeling down beside it. She looked sad, as if it was all just too much.

It was too much. Destiny thought, justifying her own emotions. She tried vainly to listen, to learn what the coldhearted captain truly felt, but they were too far away.

"No! I'm not going back!" Fayte cried. Ivy had done nearly everything in her power to convince Fayte not to go further, but she had just pushed Fayte to the tipping point.

"That's fine, but. . ."

"But what?" Fayte asked coldly. She was tired of talking. She was a woman of action, not words.

"But I know something you need to know."

"I knew it! You knew all along, didn't you? That we're related; that Papa loved a – a White Wolf!? Why, Ivy, why didn't you tell me?" Fayte's voice had changed from anger to hurt; Ivy felt she'd actually betrayed her only friend.

"Please Fayte, just let me explain." Ivy offered, a catch in her own sweet voice.

"Not now. You brought her with you. Into our place. I don't think you need to explain anything."

"Fayte it's not like that. I brought her because she needs to know too, and," Ivy's voice trailed off. It was no use.

"Please?" She asked finally; one final attempt to fix everything. To bring everything to light.

"I'm sorry." Was the hurt reply, and Fayte charged off. Ivy simply stared after her, until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Destiny asked, offering the same words as Ivy had.

"I'm not giving up." Ivy said hopefully.

"I know." Destiny said softly.

"Neither am I."

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