Chapter Nine: Alone

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'You really shouldn't have done that.' A voice whispered in her heart. Fayte ignored it, as she often did, and kept running. It was easier to run, wasn't it? It's what she had always done, and probably would always do. The world just spins by, and you never have to take a second glance. You don't see any of the problems in the valley; you don't see any of the signs of war, or hurt. Or pain.

'You can still go back.' The voice called, but Fayte shook her head. 

'No, I can't.' She answered.  What would happen if she went back? She'd be branded as a traitor. Instead of being the brave daughter of the heroic general, she'd become the worthless daughter of a false hero. She'd become the captain who befriended a White Wolf. The captain who let The Princess of the White Wolves into The Night, the very place she'd sworn to protect. But there was more than that. She would hurt Ivy, the one person who had stayed with her in the worst of times. Her only friend.

And the only thing worse than all of that? She was related to that little princess. To her enemy. And before her, her father was a traitor. Falling in love with the Queen of the White Wolves.

'As if.' Fayte thought to herself, silencing her heart's voice for a moment.

'That stupid  mirror pool must have lied. We are not related. I could never be related to a White Wolf. I could never be related to herMy father would never do that. He would never have betrayed the Shadow Wolves. He would never have betrayed me. He couldn't have. '

Fayte stopped running. She had somehow managed to run to the exact spot of her nightmares, the spot she'd met Destiny. All around her, she almost felt the scene change. The woods looked younger, and the night was a little lighter than it was now. She imagined, relived, her dream again. Scarlett looked sadly at her husband as he told Destiny everything would turn out fine. Stupid lies. Johnathan turned away, and walked off, through the woods with the younger Fayte.Destiny began to cry, and for a split second, Fayte wanted to go to the child, and help her.  Stupid heart.  She rushed to follow her dream self, and her father. They made it to the cabin, and Fayte simply closed her eyes. She knew what happened next, and she wouldn't see it again. She couldn't see it again.

The scene changed back to reality just before Johnathan died, and Fayte opened her eyes.  How had she gotten to her father's cabin? Had she been dreaming, or did that really happen? It didn't matter. The sun was just coming up, and she was left alone again, just as she had been over 10 years ago.

"I have to go back." She whispered. She couldn't live her life alone as she had spent so many years doing before. She couldn't abandon her family; She couldn't abandon Destiny. Not again. Not ever again.

"I have to find them." She said, and began to run again. But for the first time in her life, she was running toward something.

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