Chapter Thirty Two: Heart of Darkness

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It was late that night when Ivy woke up. Fayte and Destiny were still trapped in the Hands.

"Psst!" She cried. "Hey, wake up!"

"Ivy?" Destiny asked, her voice groggy. She'd hardly slept at all, but she'd drifted off several times.

"I've got an idea." Ivy said, and they both woke up Fayte.

"And what would that be?"

"Do you remember what we first thought my mother was going to do?"

"Yeah; you thought she wanted to switch Scarlett and my's darkness or something." Fayte said softly. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere, perhaps in a similar night when she was alone in the dungeons.

"Right. Do you remember what we were going to use to stop her?" Ivy asked.

"Yes. A necklace-- a heart necklace I think." Destiny whispered.

"That's what I thought. I just remembered something when I was sleeping. I remembered that the heart can hold more than darkness- it can hold items too."

"Like people?" Destiny asked. Evidently, she had caught on to what Ivy was hinting at.

"Yes. What if we were to trap Mother inside?" She whispered so quietly Fayte and Destiny could just make out what she was saying.

"We can't even get out; how would we get to it? Do we even know where it is?" Fayte whispered in return.

"I think I do; but I'd have to escape." Destiny said softly. Ivy smiled.

"I think I can do that...but you'll only have a few minutes to get the heart and come back."

"Come back?!" Destiny whispered, but it was a rather loud whisper.

"Ssh! Yes, you have to come back. Otherwise the plan won't work." Destiny seemed to fight herself for a moment, then relented.


"Thank you!" Ivy cried quietly, then began muttering something under her breath. The hand relaxed its grip enough that Destiny could pry it open. 

"How do I get out of the cell?" She asked, faced with a new problem.

"I'm working on it!" Ivy exclaimed, then moved something down her arm into her hand. "Use this." Destiny took the item; it was a small wire, probably from her bracelet. 

"Thanks.I'll be back soon. I promise." Destiny said as she formed the wire into a key.

"Be careful." Fayte whispered solemnly.

"I will," Destiny promised, and before long, she was out of sight. 

"Why didn't you undo the hands before?" Fayte laughed a little, and Ivy shrugged.

"I didn't think of it. Without magic, I forgot that the hands listen to anyone in my bloodline...but it's only for a few minutes."

"I hope Destiny's fast." Fayte said, and Ivy nodded.

"Me too."

Down the winding corridors of the castle, Destiny raced against time. She knew exactly where she was headed, but she wondered if she would be able to get back in time without getting caught. The place she was headed was the most dangerous in the castle: the Queen's chamber. It was the only logical place to find the necklace.

"Come on, where'd you put it?" She whispered aloud. She had gotten inside without being spotted- a feat in itself, but the hard part had only begun. "Where are you?"

She pulled out a drawer, searched it and carefully returned it. Two drawers followed, and Destiny began to panic. Where was the necklace?

Night was beginning to end and Ivy's words echoed in her head. "At sunrise..." Destiny snapped out of her thoughts. She had to hurry.

"There!" She spoke softly, and hid the dark metal necklace in her pocket.  She began the trip back through the halls.

"Good morning, ladies. It's your big day." Jade purred as she strolled down the winding steps to the dungeon. 

"Mother, please," Ivy began, but the Shadow queen waved her hands. 

"Not now, Ivy. I have business to attend to."

"Are you ready, Destiny?" She had just made it in time, and struggled in the hand as a rouse.

"For what, Jade?" She would have to play along for the next hour.

"That's 'Your Highness' to you, and you're going to be the star of the show, Darling." Jade smiled wickedly, an evil gleam shining in her eyes.

Destiny rolled her eyes pointedly, and a troupe of soldiers came down the stairs. As Jade released all three, the soldiers surrounded them, and they had no choice but to cooperate. That is, everyone except Fayte. 

"Sorry, Ivy." She said, and began to fight. She punched the one closest to her in the face, and went flying backward into two others. Destiny then worked to get the restraints off Ivy,and it worked. More soldiers came, and took Fayte and Ivy to the far side of the room, while the remaining troops surrounded Destiny. Ivy looked first at Destiny, and then at Fayte. This wasn't supposed to happen. Fayte and Ivy began to fight, and Destiny fended off the soldiers surrounding her. Suddenly, everyone froze. Jade held up her hands, and no one could move. 

"You were going to suffer together," Jade began, her voice strong and cold. "but I think you are far too dangerous together!" She smiled. "And don't think I didn't figure out your plan to unite against me." All three sighed silently; she didn't know yet. They still had a chance. Jade unfroze the guards, and with a snap of her fingers, the soldiers, Ivy and Fayte were gone, leaving Destiny alone with the queen.

Jade unfroze Destiny, and even as her fists came close to flying, Jade commanded, "Don't." Destiny listened.

"Where are they?!" She cried, and Jade laughed. 

"Don't worry, Princess. They've already landed at the festivities. As for you," she said, her voice sickeningly sweet, "you'll see them soon enough." Destiny reappeared somewhere unfamiliar. It was a room overlooking a rather large platform, and she could see the sun rising east. As she looked down from her desolate tower and scanned the landscape, what she saw terrified her.

"No!" She screamed, but high above the ground and locked in the tower, Destiny was left alone with their plan up in flames.

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