Chapter Twenty-Four: The Broken Ring

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"Fayte," Destiny began, "what do you know? What does this have to do with the cabin?"

"The Broken Ring." Fayte muttered. Ivy gasped.

"You think she's going to...but Fayte, isn't that...?" Ivy stammered, having found the link that Fayte so obviously found. 

"Impossible? No." Fayte grabbed her side as she began coughing, and Ivy and Destiny helped her sit down. It would be a while before they could strike. 

"What's the Broken Ring?" Destiny asked, as they huddled closer together. Night was coming fast, and they'd have to hide soon. They all knew Jade would double - maybe even triple- the number of guards on patrol after their 'show' the night before. 

"You've never heard of it?" Ivy asked, incredulous. Destiny shook her head no, and Ivy began the story.

"The Broken Ring is a legend that has been passed down through many generations. Each time it does, the story changes just a little. Luckily, the prophecy inside has remained untouched over the years. It tells of two warrior queens, Day and Night, bent on the destruction of the other. It tells of their war, and how many died for their feud, but then it talks about the Day, and how she looked out her window one day, and saw the blood and the bodies and pain. She decided that peace must be made, and forged a ring that could control both light and dark magic. She took it to the Night, and they vowed to put all their power into it, but each was tempted by the power they could hoard over the other." Ivy stopped for a moment, and asked, "Is this really what she's up to?"

Fayte's voice was barely more than a whisper as she replied. "Yes, I'm sure of it." Ivy closed her eyes, and continued the tale.

"Each was tempted by the power they could hoard over the other." She repeated before moving on. "And each passing day, and each passing night made them more and more tempted to steal the ring, and go back on their word of peace after the power was within. Finally, they came to make peace, and the wise moon and the sparkling stars all came to watch as the Day brought forth the Ring. 'This is peace!' She cried, and with that, the two queens put their power into the single ring, and the temptations began to grow until one of the queens gave in. Long after the peace was made and the ceremony over, Night crept back to fetch for herself the ring. It was beautiful, black stone on one side, and white stone on the other. Lined on both sides were jewels of white crystal on black stone, and black crystals on the white. It was gorgeous and the balance was perfect, but it was too tempting to leave alone. Just as the queen laid her delicate hands upon it, the Ground, who had been a witness and guard to the ring and everything it stood for, caused a great quake to shake the queen away from the ring." Ivy stopped again to catch her breath, then continued. "Mere hours after Night had attempted to steal it came Day, and just as she was about to touch it with her golden fingers, the Sky came and brought a great wind to blow the queen away. That evening, the Ground and the Sky, the two guardians of the ring met together to decide what was to be done with the ring. They decided to break the one ring into two, and return the light to Day and dark to Night. They re-fashioned the rings as smaller ones, giving the light to the White Wolves, and the dark to the Shadow Wolves to keep safe. But two rings were created to, someday, reunite the Broken Ring. One was the light side of the ring, and the other was the dark, but so lost were they to Day and Night, that they have remained hidden among wolves in wait for the day when the Broken Ring shall be whole again."

Ivy finished, and Destiny began to think. "She's going to unite the Broken Ring, isn't she. For the power?" Ivy and Fayte nodded their heads sadly. 

"But she doesn't have either of the rings." Destiny said, relieved, but Ivy and Fayte just shook their heads.

"Our parents had the rings, Destiny." Fayte said somberly.

"And after she killed Scarlett, she took her ring. That's one, and you have my ring. That's the second." Ivy explained, softly, and Destiny took the other ring out of her pack. 

"Here," Destiny put the ring in Fayte's hand. 

"Why...?" She began, but Destiny interrupted.

"You eluded the queen once," She said with a smile. "And that was as a prisoner." Ivy laughed.

"You hid it in plain sight, and stumped half our- I mean my mother's- men!" 

"Alright." Fayte said, sitting up a little to put it back on her finger. It was getting to be night, and they had to hide very soon - they'd wasted enough time here already.

"Come on," Destiny said, but Fayte growled as she tried to stand.

"That little spurt I had earlier is gone," she said with a groan. In the distance, they heard soldiers.

"Well find another one!" Destiny whispered, and Fayte went to take the ring off her finger.

"No! You're coming with us!" Ivy called, and then had an idea. "I can teleport us. Like before. I just need to know where we're going." 

"Where can we go?" Destiny moaned, racking her brain for anywhere they could escape to. The soldiers were coming closer, and they weren't ready for a fight yet. 

"I've got it!" Fayte cried suddenly, yet in a soft voice. "Ivy, the day of Papa's...funeral. Take us to our hideout."

"We've not been there since I was six! I don't know if it's still there!" Ivy argued.

Fayte hissed and when she spoke, Destiny didn't find it hard to believe she had been a captain giving the hard orders. "Do it, Ivy! Now! We don't have a choice!"

Ivy and Fayte locked eyes. "Just think about it. We can go there." Fayte said, her voice back to what Destiny knew to be her sister's. The soldiers were about to go around the bend.They only had a few seconds, and they'd be spotted. And there was no way they could run. 

"Now Ivy!" Destiny's voice was growing desperate. And suddenly, they were surrounded by the white cloud of magic that meant they'd teleport. So long as they were fast enough. The soldiers were coming around the bend, and saw the white cloud. They had begun to run towards the girls, and Fayte was shouting at Ivy to hurry up. Destiny was yelling too, while also helping Fayte stand up.

"I can't do anything with your shouting! Be quiet!" Ivy shouted back, and everything but the soldiers went silent. 

"Stop in the name of the queen!" They shouted, and Ivy waved good-bye to them before they disappeared. The only question left was : where would they reappear?

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