Chapter Three: Dreams

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The next morning, Destiny was up before the sun. She transformed back into a human, and began her work. On this fair, chill sort of morning, it would often be up to her to hunt for the pack. But not this morning. Today she would hunt for something else: answers.

Where would Mother hide him? Destiny wondered, referring to an old note from her father. It was one of the few things they had left of him, but Destiny would find it all before she'd be told simply that 'it's not something for you to hear.' Destiny rolled her eyes thinking about it, but deep inside, she knew why Scarlett hid him from her. It still hurt to think about him - whoever he was. If only Destiny knew who he was, maybe this whole mystery would be easier to solve.

Why did that Shadie bear my pack's ring? Where did she get it? Why is she...familiar? Destiny thought. Destiny went back to her bed to sit and think it over. It was foolish to try to find anything now...not with her mother asleep. As Leader of the Pack, and as a wolf in general, Queen Scarlett had sharp hearing. Destiny would have been caught in seconds.

Destiny threw herself down on the mossy mattress, closing her eyes. There had to be something she knew that could help her. Something. . . something...

"Come here, Dear." A voice called to Destiny. She could feel that she was younger- a small child- as her mother picked her up and held her. Destiny looked across the forest. She could see a man, holding another child, both faces blurred beyond recognition. The other little girl began to cry, and Destiny suddenly felt...lost. Alone. The man came back, hugged Scarlett, and smiled at Destiny. She thought he even said she'd see him soon. Destiny hugged him back, and had a feeling she'd felt only in her dreams. "I'll miss you, Papa." She called, but there was no response. The man simply turned his back and walked away with the little girl. "Papa!" Destiny cried, as the loneliness returned. Scarlett hugged her daughter, and wiping a tear from her eye, brought her to the camp. The camp where Destiny thought they had always lived. An image began to flare in her mind, the face of the stranger she'd met in the woods...

Destiny woke with a start, and rubbed her eyes. The little girl and the man were gone, gone as the Shadow Wolf from the wood. What was I doing dreaming of her? Destiny wondered.

"Ivy! Open up!" Fayte called, pounding on the princess's door. Ivy opened the heavy wood door slowly, but smiled when she saw who it was.

"Fayte!" She cried, and Fayte smiled weakly back.

"I need your. . . help." Were the grimaced words that followed.

"What do you need?" Ivy asked, surprised Fayte had asked for assistance at all.

"Close the door." Fayte commanded, and Ivy did as she was told.

"It's about that princess, isn't it?" Ivy deducted, and Fayte shrugged.

"I don't know. The Nightmare is back. I've not had it since Papa was alive, and that was a lifetime ago."

"It's back? Just all of a sudden?"

"Yeah, and it's more real. I saw more this time."

"Tell me."

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