Chapter Thirty-One: Conspirators

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CLANG!! Destiny's ears ached at the sound of metal against....she didn't know what. The helmet made it difficult to see anything, but she didn't need her eyes to know that her opponent was getting ready for another round.

"Wait!" She shouted. Destiny realized that anyone who might try to harm a soldier of the Dark Army could be an ally to her. 

"Destiny?! What are you doing in there? Are you crazy?!" Destiny could just make out her sister's voice. Throwing off her helmet, she smiled grandly.

"Don't smile. It's not funny! I could have killed you!" Fayte cried angrily, and there was a hiss in her voice. 

"You didn't though!" Destiny's eyes were gleaming, and Fayte sighed. This wasn't getting them anywhere.

"They know we're here. Got another suit?" Fayte followed Destiny back to the dark hall where she'd hidden, but both the armor and the soldiers were gone. 

"Oh no." Destiny groaned, "We've got two loose, and both know we're here."

"It's alright, Jade's already laid out the welcome mat." The sisters grinned at each other before heading to the main door. With a small boost, they made it over the moat, but the drawbridge was up. 

"I've got an idea," Destiny said, running across the the open space that separated the castle from the forest. She took a length of rope from the stables and tied it to the armor's helmet.

"Destiny, you're not..." Fayte began.

"Oh yes I am!" She cried, and began to climb up the bales of hay.  Then, winding up, she released the rope and helmet, where it landed just in the window. A quick tug, and Destiny knew it was secure. 

"I'm climbing up." She said, and began to scale the stone wall. Fayte immediately objected.

"That won't hold you. You'll have to free climb it. Like this." Jumping off the hay, Fayte landed with a thud, and began placing each foot in any crevice or hole she could climb. "Come on." With Destiny following suit, the two began to scale the tower, until they were just under the window.

"Wait here." Fayte said, and climbed over. Just when Destiny's arms felt as though they could not hold on any longer, she reappeared. "All clear." She disappeared again, and when Destiny climbed up as well, she found not Fayte, but Jade. 

"Where is she?" Destiny cried, scanning the room. Her mind instantly flashed back to the prison, and the memory made her almost shudder. 

"I've been waiting for you, Destiny." Jade said, but even as she spoke, she made herself look just like Fayte. The same glittery eyes and dark hair peered out at Destiny, but the gleam was more than just a gleam. It was a glare as sharp as daggers, and the look was pure hatred.

"You didn't think she waited all that time, did you? All three hours that you weren't here?" Jade said, and now the voice too, was Fayte's. 

"Where. Is. She?" Destiny spoke with the voice of a queen. 

"She's...occupied with Ivy at the moment. Perhaps you'd like to join them!" Fayte- Jade said, and with that, Destiny was gone. When she reappeared, she was being held by an all to familiar foe; a stone hand held onto her sister, and when Destiny attempted to move, she found she was restrained in the same manner. Ivy lay before them.

"Ivy?" Destiny whispered, and the word echoed.

"I'm so sorry!" Ivy sobbed, looking up. 

"It's alright, it's fine." Destiny soothed, and Ivy ran up to her. "What happened?"

"My mother; she brought me here, and....and I know what she's planning!" Ivy cried, wiping away her tears. 

"Yes, I know. She wants the power of the rings, and to make them whole. You already told us that." Destiny made a small smile.

"That's not all," Fayte said, and Destiny looked at her. She was in better shape than Destiny, who was scraped from the shrubs and trees, but as she looked at her sister, she no longer saw the bright spirit that she knew her sister to possess. 

"What do you mean?"

"She's going to unite the ring, and destroy the Day. The valley, maybe the world, it will be an eternal night filled with only dark magic."

"You can't just get rid of the Day." Destiny said, trying to understand whatever it was that Ivy was insinuating. 

"She can if she kills her. She's going to put the Day into you, and then..." Ivy began to cry again, and Destiny understood. 

"What about the two of you?"

"After she kills off the light, we'll have no choice but to become dark. I was the light in this castle, but if there isn't a light..." Ivy let her voice trail off, and Destiny nodded.

"You'll both go completely dark."

"I'll become who I was before we met, and Ivy- we don't know." Fayte added, and Destiny bowed her head.

"We have to stop her."

"How? It's over." Destiny had never seen Ivy so hopeless, but Fayte suddenly found her spirit.

"The sword; Nightstar!" She said, and Ivy lit up a little.

"What does this have to do with your sword?" Destiny asked, and Fayte smiled wickedly.

"The sword was what broke the ring apart in the first place; it seeks balance, and the dark was overcoming the light, just like it is now. That's  why Jade wanted it! It's the only thing that can stop her!" Fayte's eyes flashed, and her smile grew. "Besides us, of course."

"Now there's only one thing left." Destiny said. "We have to get out of here so we can stop Jade!" 

"I can't!" Ivy cried, holding up her hands. Around them were two black cuffs with purple designs shining out. "This keeps me from using magic, and only those with dark magic can remove it."

"You mean we're stuck here?!" Fayte cried, but Ivy shook her head.

"Not forever; Mother will get us when she's ready to perform the Ceremony."

"But by then there's no way we can get Nightstar!"

"Not true; Mother will want to destroy the sword and  the ring. To do that, she'll have to bring it. And while she's occupied with the spell, Fayte can grab it." Ivy's voice went quiet. "We only have until sunrise. We have to plan quickly." And with that, the conspirators made their plan.

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