Chapter Twenty-Six: Moonshade

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Destiny and Ivy helped Fayte get into the big chair at the desk. It was made of oak, but it wasn't the table that interested her, it was the book. 

"What is it?" Destiny asked, and Fayte closed her eyes. 

"Where'd it come from?" Ivy asked, staring, wide eyed, at the book called Moonshade.

"It's not very old." Fayte muttered, looking down at it. She opened the cover and gasped. Her hands were shaking a little.

"What is it?" Destiny asked again. When Fayte made no reply, Destiny came to look at the book herself. It was written by Johnathan Moonshade, but that wasn't all. Even looking on the first page, something lay that made Destiny stop. A letter, folded up several times was inside it, as well as a small package. On it was written Destiny and Fayte's names. Destiny opened the letter and read aloud:

My darling little girls;

I know I have not been there for the things you've needed me most for, and even now I am not with you. But I wanted you both to know that I love you very, very much, and regardless of how much time we spent together, I want you to know it was the best chapter of my life. I realize now that there were many things I never told you; it was difficult to say the least to speak of your father. I find now that those things must be said, however, and now perhaps I can go in peace.

Destiny, I'm sorry you never got to know your father. He was a brave man, but I was not brave enough to save him. He offered me a life where we could both run away and be happy, but I knew we would forever be hunted, and couldn't take that risk with the two of you. We continued to be together for as long as we could, but eventually, Jade found the truth. Outraged, she was going to come after your father and I; luckily at the time she knew nothing of you. I suggested splitting up, making it harder to find us, and in that manner, I escaped with you, Destiny. Johnathan and Fayte escaped too, but in the end he was caught.

Fayte, my dear little Fayte, all grown up. I can never say how sorry I am that I never knew you were still out there. Truth be told, I gave up hope of it soon after your father died, though I still celebrated all your birthdays. I can not imagine how hard it must have been for you on your own; I know how hard it was for me, and I was grown. I am sorry, also, that we met for such a short time, but what I know of you has brought me pride and joy even here, running. I know we will not see each other again, but perhaps Destiny can tell you a story of me. I want you to know that the book, Moonshade, is a dangerous book, in which you may learn many things, but please use what you know for good. You know the story of the Broken Ring, and no doubt have already uncovered Jade's plan. Please be careful! 

And to both of you: I love you. Please be careful, and help each other. Destiny, you are my day, and Fayte, you are my night. Bring balance back, and be the queens that destroy the ring, as I should have done years ago. Good luck! 

With All My Love,


When Destiny looked up, Fayte could see tears in her eyes, and reaching over to her younger sister, held her hand. Fayte found herself looking at the same little girl from her dream in that moment, and wanted to tell her it was alright. She didn't think it'd be true, not anymore, but she wanted to promise that it would be, that somehow just saying it would make it so. But Fayte knew well enough it didn't, and said nothing, only held her sister's hand.

A swirl of magic swept the sisters up, and when they looked down, Ivy was performing some sort of spell. First, she sent a golden beam of light that surrounded Destiny, and she watched as it left her, and as it went around Fayte, it turned silver. It swept around her faster and faster until it entered inside her, and for a moment, she glowed inside and out. Fayte closed her eyes, and Destiny held on tighter as Ivy brought them down again. Preparing to help Fayte, Destiny came over to her, but to her surprise, Fayte stood on her own, and more than that, her eyes shone with the wicked gleam that she had missed.

"What happened, Ivy? What did you do?" Destiny beamed.

"I could finally perform a healing spell with light magic. Before I was missing a key ingredient, but now..." Ivy smiled as her voice trailed off. 

"What was the ingredient?" Destiny asked, and Ivy winked. 

"I'll tell you later. The important thing is she's alright. And now, the book."All three walked back over to the desk, and Fayte began to flip through the book. 

"Where are you going? Shouldn't we start on page one?" Ivy asked, and Fayte smirked.

"Scarlett-- Mother-- was clever. She wouldn't just say to search the book without specifics. She said that she celebrated all my birthdays, said that it was hard for me when Papa died, then went on to the book. Therefore, we go to page 182."


"Yes. That's where Chapter Ten begins. I was ten when Papa died, so we go to chapter ten."

"Why not page eight?"

"Mother said that the time she spent with us was the 'best chapter' of her life. It's Chapter Ten. Trust me, and if you don't, trust Ivy. We're right." Destiny looked at Ivy who nodded, and then began the search.

Sure enough, as they flipped through the pages, they found it, and the title loomed over them. The Queens of Moonshade was the title, and as the three looked at the name of it, Fayte looked down a little more.

"Look!" She cried, and as they looked where Fayte pointed, they knew she was right. For there, next to her finger was the first word of chapter ten: Scarlett.

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