xoxo Gossip Girls

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So that night Me, Caroline and Bonnie all went back Elena's for pizza and gossiping, luckily for us Jeremy was out going god knows what. Oh yeah one thing you should probably know about Elena's little brother is he's a stoner and a waster, After their dad died he started doing drugs and became essentially an alcoholic, without the addiction part obviously, well we think anyway. So thinking about it that night Jeremy was probably behind a shed somewhere shooting up, getting high and almost dying. Aunt Jenna was also doing other things that night, if i remember correctly it may have been a job interview but don't hold me to that. 


"Oh my god when's the pizza going to get here it feels like its been eighty-four years since we ordered it" Kara moaned slouching her body across the sleek, black leather intertwining with the couch in Elena's living room. Bonnie sighed and laid her head on Kara's shoulder while the other two girls were sitting on the floor beside them giggling at how frustrated their best friend got when it came to food. 

"Lets play a game to pass the time" Bonnie suggested from her place on the couch, suddenly Caroline jumped into life from her corpse position on the floor.

"Fuck, Marry, Kill" Caroline squealed wildly, clapping her hands together like a seal in heat. Kara groaned loudly she hated these types of games, yes she knew it was all pretend but still it just made her feel uncomfortable and awkward. Bonnie started giggling excitedly at the prospect. 

"I'll go first" Elena declared which earned her a slight pout from Caroline who obviously had three great names in mind. "Tyler, Matt and Mr Saltzman." Elena stated playfully. 

"Thats easy, Fuck Mr Saltzman, Marry Matt and Kill Tyler" Caroline fired back without a second of hesitation, its like she was born to play these games. 

"I have to agree with Car on this one, Tyler is such a douche" Bonnie said simply as if it was no big deal, of course it wasn't. It was all just a game, a game that Kara happened to hate.  

"I wouldn't fuck or marry any of them" Kara said embarrassed of herself in this moment, but she hated lying to her friends even if it was just a game.Caroline sighed in annoyance, Kara thought it would turn into a growl like it usually did when she was pissed off. 

"Can you stoop being a prude for one night please" Caroline said in a tired tone rubbing her face in her hands, Bonnie and Elena just sat in silence hyper aware of the fight that was about to take place in front of them. 

"I'm not a prude" Kara said sitting up and crossing her arms, as much as she hated fighting she couldn't just let Caroline walk all over her. Caroline scoffed and almost started laughing at the other blonde, it must have taken a hell of a lot of self control for her to hold that back. 

"Says the girl who won't even play fuck, marry, kill" Caroline spat out at her, Maybe this was how it was always going to happen, Kara had been planning to tell them for weeks, she just didn't know how, all she knew is that she wanted it to be amazing and not scary like everything she had read online. but this was scary. 

"You want ton know why i won't play your stupid game Caroline?" Kara asked raising her voice slightly, it was now or never. 

"Yes please tell us all your pathetic excuse for not playing a stupid game!" Caroline shouted back at her. Kara's heart was beating through her chest, she can't believe she was about to tell her best friends about her most life impacting self discovery in the middle of a fight. 

"I'm gay!" Kara screamed, announcing it to the whole world, she had to admit it felt good to finally get it off her chest. She looked around at the faces of the other girls, they looked like the walking, talking personification of the 'shook' emoji. No one said anything for what felt like an hour but in real time must have only been around a minute. tears started to stream down her face, her blue eyes being covered by the darkness and emptiness she was feeling in her heart. Kara's mind started spiralling out of control, what if they hate me? 

"Well in he-insight it explain's a lot" Elena finally broke the silence with a slight giggle which made Kara smile despite the never ending tsunami of tears flooding her face. 

"We're proud of you, Kara and we all still love you obviously, come on group hug!" Bonnie said cheerfully as if nothing had changed all the girls climbed up onto the couch and wrapped Kara up in a tight hug. 

"squeeze!" they all squealed at the same time, like they always did. Kara was still crying but with tears of joy this time, she was so happy her friends didn't hate her because of who or what she loved. 

"I'm not going to pretend that it wont take me a while to adjust to this but i'm sorry for shouting at you about a stupid game" Caroline whispered in Kara's ear, the blonde just nodded in response knowing all to well that Caroline didn't exactly cope well with any kind of change. The sound of Elena's doorbell rang in their ears. 

"Pizza!" The girls all shouted in unison before bursting into fits of hysterics.


I bet you thought you were going to find out why i was in therapy, ha fooled you. Yeah so i came out as gay to my friends that night but lets just say that was one of the last normal nights of our lives after this point things get, well you'll see. 

Authors Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for all the reads, comments and votes. font forget to read my other fanfiction, 'Supercorp Nervous Lesbian Laughter'


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