Grounded [ Jimin ( BTS ) ]

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"Chorong!" A loud shout jolted the said girl out of dreamland,  followed by a crash and someone cursing. 

This was an ordinary day in the Park household, and today was no exception. Chorong, being the youngest, had to deal with her two older brothers' constant pranks to each other, which would definetely result in someone getting hurt. 

She dragged herself out of bed, yawning as she combed her hair by the mirror on her bedside. Humming a tune, she set the brush down, then changed her nightdress into a loose T-shirt and shorts, then made her way upstairs, where both of her brothers' rooms were. 

Since she hit puberty, her parents had insisted that she take the second floor for herself, kicking Jimin out to the third floor. The boy didn't mind, and was even happy with the choice since half of his room wouldn't be used for storage. "YAH!" Chorong winced as something was thrown across the corridor again, this time bouncing off the floor. 

"What's the fuss again?" Halfway through the stairs, a basketball narrowly missed her, and instead hit the vase which was placed as decoration behind her. 

"Fuck." Jimin, who was originally having a shouting match with his elder brother, mumbled and stalked back to his room, and slammed the door shut. She suspected that it was to avoid their mother's wrath, which was proven true as a second later the said parent came thundering up the stairs. "I heard a crash - PARK JIMIN!" 

Seokjin, the oldest, stiffled a laugh as their mother appeared, with her hair still full of curling rollers, expression horrified as if the world had ended. "Huh....?" Jimin's bedroom door opened, and out stumbled the boy himself, rubbing his eyes and hair tousled as if he had just woken up. "Morning mum - woah!" The jump when he saw the vase in pieces was over-exaggerated. "What the hell happened?" 

"You happened, that's what," Seokjin replied, trying to hide a smirk. "Why you - " Jimin aimed a punch at his brother's pretty face, at which the other dodged easily. "Enough! Park Jimin, sweep up this mess immediately! No lunch or dinner and you're grounded for the rest of the holidays!"

"Wha - but mum!" The boy whined, expression crumbling. Chorong would've felt sorry for him if not for the clearly evil act she'd seen her brother doing. "No excuses," Their mother said firmly and headed back downstairs, possibly to catch another hour of sleep as it's the weekends. 

Jimin muttered curses under his breath as he sat, his back on the bed and arms hugging his legs. It's just not fair. How the hell did it end up with him being the one punished when it was Seokjin who started banging on his door at 4 in the morning? Not to mention without food as well! 

To prevent himself from dying of suffocation, he opened the windows, and immediately regretted the choice. Smells of the barbecue downstairs was enough to salivate, and he unconsciously swallowed as the sounds of something being put onto the grill was heard. No! Resist it. 

Though, no matter how hard he told himself to ignore the tempting smells, he couldn't prevent his stomach from growling, and he groaned, banging his head against the wood of his bedframe. "Oppa?" A knock came from the door, and he immediately straightened, tucking in his loose undershirt. 

"Who is it?" Jimin called. 

"Chorong. I've brought food." 

It was as if someone had just waved a bowl of spicy ramyun under his nose, wafting the scent about. "Come in." He swallowed, trying to not look nervous. 

His sister opened the door, holding a tray with a bowl of rice, a dish of kimchi and the most important of all, grilled spicy ribs. His drool must've gathered in a pool under his open mouth. And, maybe due to the hunger, he noticed how the shorts his sister was wearing hugged her waist and thighs, and the tank top hanging loosely on her frame, combined with a gray hoodie that must either belong to him or Seokjin. 

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