Sweet Roses [ Mark Got7 ]

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"Chorong!" A boyish voice called Chorong from behind. She turned her head around to see him running toward her. It can't be...

"Let me ride you home." He offered between his muffled panting voice. He was smiling brightly at her.

Like, really, really brightly. And outstanding.

Mark Tuan. The popular kingka of her school.

Why was he calling her over?

Oh... right. He was there.

He was playing soccer with the boys. And one player accidentally hit her leg with a striking ball.

That was hurt. It was still hurt now.

Chorong smiled sheepishly at Mark. The flower boy was now standing in front of her. She didn't know what to do. She was a shy girl, after all.

She didn't know how to answer.

Her leg was aching.

She bet it would be hard for her to ride the bike on her own. The injured leg felt really numb by now.

This is bad.

"Chorong?" He repeated her name again. It made her face blush red. It was hard not to. Because his voice sounded so magical in her ears. The tender and soft voice kept echoing in her mind.

"Let's go." Mark spoke up after what felt like too long to answer a question. Chorong didn't protest, either. Her leg hurt, and most of all, she didn't want to lose this chance with the responsible Tuan right here, to ride her home. She knew it wouldn't bother him that much, since their homes were just one district away.

Mark was riding Chorong home. Chorong was sitting one-sided with her short skirt, her side leaning slightly on Mark's back.

They kept quiet.

Strange. Chorong felt her heart thumping to the point she could hear it loud and clear. It was her first time experience such thing with a boy.


A rose.

A beautiful red rose. On the doormat.

Chorong smiled to herself. Her cheeks blushed and went hot again, even after dozens mornings happened like this before.

It was definitely from Mark.

Because he was waiting outside the house now, waiting for Chorong to ride her to school.


"You shouldn't hang out with Mark. He is a guy to admire, not to date with. You don't know him that much, Chorong ah. I may sound nosy, but I mean it." Her best friend, Bomi, repeated for the upmteenth time. And for the good umpteenth time, Chorong shook her head.

"Bomi, thank you for concerning. But I don't see any bad thing from this."

"You are so blind now, Chorong. Don't you see how you changed after getting the Mark's girlfriend title?"

"I don't see anything changed."

"That's the problem!" Bomi groaned.

"Don't you see your grades are dropping?"

Chorong chuckled. "That's normal, Bomi. I can sometimes get a B+. I'm just a human, you know."

"No! You have never had a B+ before you date Mark!" Bomi exclaimed. "And you're so... open now!"

She grinned. "Being open is always a good way, better than shy. Right?"

"No!" Bomi gripped her hand on both Chorong's shoulders and straightened her up. "Like, too open is a whole different thing. You have been affected by Mark. You became more comfortable around boys, I get it. That's good. But kissing in public? Mark is a foreigner, I get it. But he is not supposed to kiss you in this school!"

Chorong didn't listen to Bomi, for the umpteenth time.

The thing is, she didn't find kissing in public a problem.

Like, there was only them in the world.


"Chorong, are you sure this is okay?" Mark murmured seductively into Chorong's ears, his hot breath brushing on her skin making her moan in bliss. She never felt any physical doing that joyful and heavenly like this before.

It was her first time.

"Y-yes. My parents won't be home in two days." She cried out when Mark unzipped his pants, showing his hardenning erection.

"You know what I'm talking about, Chorong." Mark smirked when Chorong was staring at his member non-stop. She didn't answer, but her eyes showed it all.

She was sure that it would be okay.



Chorong was sitting on the bench in her house frontyard, waiting for Mark to come over and go to school. She was holding the rose from the day before. She hummed to a song she was listening to on her phone. She was smiling to herself.

She was happy. She thought of the passionate last night with Mark.

Mark took her virginity away. But it's a good thing. Right? Since it's Mark Tuan, her boyfriend.

She looked at the flower she was holding more carefully.

It's turning to black in the top of its buds.

She remembered taking care of the roses like really carefully everyday.

Oh well, maybe it's an unfortunate, bad flower.

Chorong swept it side to side to take a closer look. But... ouch.

A pointy spike stung her finger.

She sighed to herself... what a careless girl she was.

She was bleeding.

But it's okay.

It's still a sweet rose to her,


She knew,

He will love her forever.


A/N : Actually, it's just small part of smut inside > <

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