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Han Younghee

He was always described as someone who has deep expression. Someone who has nothing but depressed look. Someone who lack of confidence.

Despite his gloomy looks, people seems to love that expression. They said that he's cool. His shy gesture towards girls, making them falls hard. So all their eyes always landed on him.

I was in the same classes as him. We share most of our childhood times together. Literally. Since we went to the same primary school. Then it turn out that we also went to the same high shcool.. Yet i highly doubt if he knew my name.

I look at the basketball court since i sat beside window.. He's there again. With his two friends. His close friends to be spesific. He's the type that don't really make friends but i'm not sure what happened until the two able to be friend with him. But he still has other friends though but not close enough as these two; Lee Daehwi and Park Jihoon.

Did they even realize that it still early in the morning to play basketball ?

Interesting. Again I thought

There's also bunch of girls spot there. Supporting them playing. Or maybe wasting their times to flirt and seduce the three boys with their super short skirt and tight uniform. Not forget to mention, their strong perfume that almost suffocating me whenever they walked passed.

" Yahhh !! What are you doing ? "

A voice snapped me from my thought as i felt someone poke my arm.

" Nothing. " I turned my head to look a better pictire of my seatmate, Yoon Hyejung, busy texting someone.

" Seonho ? " I asked her.

" Yeah. He's sick. I'm started to worry since you know he and his fear of taking medicine " She then made a face.

I laughed a little. Remembering Seonho's weird and funny facial expression whenever we forced him to take his medicine. He really didn't like it. He will make a lot of excuses just so that he'll not going to take those bitter pills.

Seonho and i has been friends since i started my primary school, whereas Hyejung is a transfee student when i started my senior year. And Seonho date Hyejung a year ago after i introduced him to her. I agree though. They're cute together.

" You really need to stop your creepy hobby. " She stated in serious tone.

Hobby ? Sure Hyejung. Sure.

" I didn't do anything wrong Hyejung " I answered and fixing my white sleeves.

" Your eyes always on him. And its wrong. "

" I hate myself too for doing this "

" At least do it covertly " She scoffed.

" He didn't mention anything about it. So i'm not going to stop. " I take a look at the court again.

This time they're not three anymore. It seems that his other friend also there play basketball with him. They're having a friendly match.

" But until when you'll be like this Younghee ? " She pulled her books out of her backpack and placed it on her table.

Until when? I also have no certain answer for that question.

" Until my heart does to " I answered with a small sigh.

She just shake her head twice. Probably tired with my stubborness.

" Until my heart told me to stop caring for Bae Jinyoung "


Ps : Since its kinda rare to find Jinyoung's fanfic, i decided to make one. So please enjoy and support this story 💕

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