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It has now been a few weeks since my brother and I had moved here against my will. Lucas and I had moved here, to Marcus's house of a mansion because the landlord took our house away and this guy says they took it away because of our parents leaving, my stupid parents. But now we are living here, I yell out in frustration before I face plant into the silky covers of my bed. I feel the side of the bed sink a little telling me someone is sitting down. I feel a hand place on my shoulder, "Olivia?" It was Lucas. I ignore him as I feel his hand travel to my neck to touch the strange bit mark, I hear him sigh before I feel him get off the bed followed with the door shutting. I groan before sitting up and walking over towards the ensuite and shutting the door, the first thing I see is my reflection in the mirror. I can easily spot the mark on my neck. I hate it!! I look through each draw and cupboard for any sign of make up and lucky for me I find some concealer. I quickly open the tube and start put some on my neck. I'm halfway through covering up the mark when there is a knock on the door, "Come in." I say. I look over and see Ethan walking in. "Oh hey." I say he replies with a smile. I give a small smile back as I feel a tingling sensation in my chest, he is so cute!! Wait What?? I push the feeling down as I finish with the concealer. He walks over to me an looks at my neck, "Good, you look so much better now." "Thanks." I reply. "Do you want to do something?" Ethan asks, "Like?" "Well how about we fix your fear of werewolfs?" "Um..." "Come on???" "Alright, how can I say no to that face." He gives me a toothy grin before extending his hand out, "Just like old times?" I hesitate before putting my hand in his, "Just like old times."

"Ok now I'm going to transform, don't freak out." Ethan and I are in the field outside the front of the mansion. Ethan transforms into a werewolf right in front of me, I stiffen up. I watch him as he gestures to his back, "You want me to hope on your back?" I ask. The werewolf nods, I slowly walk to the werewolf as I put my hand out to touch it. I manage to do that but then something comes over me and I don't know why or how but I was on the werewolfs back. The werewolf aka Ethan looks back at me and I think his face was a proud one but I'm not sure, he looks forward before he sprints off into the forest.

Lucas's POV
I look out of my bedroom window and I see Olivia and Ethan in the field of grass outside the front of the mansion. I'm surprised that when Ethan turned into a werewolf Olivia didn't scream, run or faint. She then hoped onto his back and Ethan sprints away with my sister. I'm honestly so proud of her, she finally faced her fear!

Olivia's POV
We walk into the lounge room of the mansion, its empty. "Can I do something?" Ethan asks as I nod my head unsure of the answer. He then leans in and our lips connect. Fireworks go off around my body, my eyes close as my legs turn to jelly. If Ethan wasn't holding me I would have fallen over. We part. With our fore heads touching we stare into each others eyes. I think about what just happened, I kissed ETHAN!!!! Oh my god what will my brother think?? I get knocked out of thoughts when our lips connect once again, but they weren't connected for long due to the fact that Ethan got shoved away and was being held up against the wall by his neck by non other then Justin. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!!" Justin yells, "WITH MY SOULMATE!!!" I watch in horror, as my body become too frozen to move. I see out of the corn of my eye Lucas walking in, "What's all the racket in he..." but he stops mid sentence due to the scene playing out in front of him. He looks at me before rushing over to help Ethan, "LET GO OF HIM!!!" Lucas yells, an all out war happens between Ethan, Lucas, Justin and Marcus. I don't really know when Marcus joined the fight but somehow he did.

The fight was getting really bad as the boys started to develop bruises. I have had enough! As a tear starts to roll down my face, "STOP!" I scream at the top of my lungs.


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