↠ Four ↠

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"No way." I whisper, "How could you?" I run up to Ava and grab her by the shirt before shouting "HOW COULD YOU!" "Woah, Olivia calm down!" Justin says walking up to me and putting his hand on my shoulder. "Whatever, I'm getting out of here!" I say letting go of Ava before walking out of the room and down one of the hallways trying to find a way out. "Where do you think your going?" Justin asks as he runs up beside me. "I'm going home!" I reply, "I'm going home and you can't stop me!" He sighs but doesn't say anything more. We walk around, well I walk around and he just follows.

"You know you won't find the way out!" Justin says after about half an hour of walking, "Yes I will!" I reply. "No you won't!" He says but it's more like a yell. I take a step back getting nervous for what he might do next. "Your mine and only mine!" He growls, "You will never leave as long as I live!" "You don't own me, and besides what about my brother and Ethan?!" I yell back, "They're down stairs in the dungeons!" He says before walking off, "Hey get back here!" I say walking up to him, "You have to take me there!" "No!" He says before walking away, this time I let him.

I thought seeing as this place is so big there has to be other people here right? I walk down one of the hallways and find a door that is different to every other door, this door was a moss green whereas all the other doors were a dark purple colour. I tried to open the door but it didn't budge. I sighed, with one swift and decisive motion I kicked down the door (cue root beer guy), hey I use to do karate so what. I walk into the room and see five other males sitting around a small glass table that has a small candle on top. Besides the glow of the candle the room seems dark. "Can I help you gorgeous?" One of them asks, "Yes, can you take me to the dungeons?" I ask ignoring the 'gorgeous' part of his comment. The guy who talked to me gives a grin to the others before standing up, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the room. "So what your name?" He asks, "Oh it's Olivia!" I reply. "What a beautiful name, mines Luke!" "Nice to meet you Luke!" I reply. Luke and I walk in silence until we reach a flight of stairs, "Just down here!" Luke says as he pulls me down the stairs.

We reach a sort of passage way, "Just down here." He says. We turn right and see a whole lot of jail cells, now I'm starting to feel nervous. I don't know this guy, for all I know he could lock me up and leave me all alone. My thoughts get pushed aside as my back hits something hard. I realise I'm getting pushed up against the wall, by non other then Luke himself. "What are you doing?" I ask with a shaky voice, "Well since we're alone I thought we could have a little.." but he paused only to say "Fun." I tried to fight his grip but he was unnaturally strong for some reason. He plants a kiss on top of my lips and starts roughly making out with me. Your so stupid going with a stranger to the dungeons what were you thinking!?! He left my lips to look me in the eyes. I scream help at the top of my lungs, but I doubt anyone would hear me since we're so far down in the dungeons.

Lucas's POV
"OLIVA!!" I hear someone yell which interrupts me from my thoughts. I look over to see that Ethan has just woken up after he had been knocked out the same time Liv did. I'm gonna kill who ever took her away from me! "Where is she?!?" Ethan asks as he gains consciousness, "How am I supposed to know you were the one looking after to her." I replied with a growl, "Ok I know I failed and let her get away and I'm sorry!" "Sorry doesn't cut it, you lost me my sister!" I start to feel my anger boil up as my other side starts to show, but I won't get into that now. I here footsteps before turning around to see the one person I hoped I wouldn't see, Justin. I walked up to the front of the jail cell we were help captive in and yelled, "WHERE IS SHE!?!" "She is upstairs don't..." he was saying before stoping due to a faint help being heard. "Don't worry we're you saying!" Ethan says, but he wasn't listening nor was I, I just wanted to get to her. "Let me out!" I ordered. Justin looked at me with a judging face but let me out non of the less. Once out I sprinted, I ran closely followed by Justin. The yell of help was once again heard but this time clearer. I stop in my tracks when I see one of Justin's men on top of my sister. I look at Justin and his face mirrored mine.


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