↠ prologue ↠

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"Don't stress Liv, it's going to be alright." Lucas, my brother, says while putting his arm around my shoulders giving me a side hug. "You'll see!"

Lucas and I walk into South Nardo High School, our new high school. Both of us walk towards the office where the office staff gave us both a timetable and our locker number/code. We go our separate ways before I hear the bell ring. I look down at my time table, Science, just great.

I walk down the hall and it feels like hours until I find the right room. I walk inside and instantly feel every pair of eyes in the classroom turn and look in my direction. "Ahhh miss Compson, you finally decided to show up." "Yeah, I'm er sorry I'm late I got lost." I say flustered, "Please go take a seat against the window, thank you." The science teacher says dragging out the 'you'. I walk over to the empty seat next to the window. I could not see anything past the guy in front! I tap him on the shoulder before saying,  "Hey, do you think you could shift your chair or something because I can't see anything?" The guy in front turns around and says, "No sorry." before he turns back around. He just said no, no, who says that?!? "Excuse me?" I ask in an irritated tone, "It's nothing personal." He says casually. I'm left feeling completely confused as anger boils up in me.

I'm sitting alone, at a table in the cafeteria, with my lunch, alone. That is until I notice someone walking towards me. The guy from my science class. I roll my eyes as he sits down, "I never caught your name?" he asks before he take a bite of his food. "It's Olivia." I say sternly, showing no mercy. "Pretty name, mines Ethan." He says trying to act all tuff before falling off his chair. I couldn't help but laugh.

After my classes were all over I set off to find my brother. "Are you lost beautiful?" I hear a deep male voice behind me ask. I turn around and I am met with big chocolate brown eyes. "W-what..Wh-ho-o?" I stutter, he just smiles. "The names Justin!" He says putting his hand out with a warm smile. "OLIVIA!" A recognisable voice can be heard, Lucas. "I've got to go..." I say backing away, "I'll see you around, won't I?" he asks, "Sure." I say with a polite smile before running over to my brother.


I know it's short but hey it's just the prologue ;)

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