↠ Three ↠

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As my mind wakes up before my body, all my senses seem to be more Alive! I can hear muffled voices but I can't figure out what they are actually saying. I push that thought aside as I try to concentrate on gaining consciousness. "Olivia?" A recognisable voice asked. I feel like I know who it is but I can't put my finger on it. I try to open my eyes but I'm met with darkness. My body starts to become aware of its surroundings, as I feel a silk bedsheet under neath me. At once I know I'm not at home due to the fact that at home my bed sheets are cotton.

As soon as I'm conscious I jump up and run, I don't know where but as soon as I try running I run into something hard. I look up and, "Justin, thank god, we have to get out of here!" I grab him by the wrist but he doesn't move instead he pulls me back and picks me up around the waist. "What are you doing?" I ask as he carries me back over to the bed. It's the first time I've actually seen the room and taken it in. It's a very big room and looks like a bedroom, everything in the room is either black or a very dark purple. There is a couple of drawers and a desk and on the right there are three windows except the middle one which is a glass door leading out onto a balcony, on the left an ensuite and a walk in robe, with a queen sized bed in the middle. He puts me down on the bed before pulling up a chair next to me. "Where are we?" I ask looking around the room, thankfully we were alone. "That's classified!" He simply replied before leaning back and crossing his arms while staring at me intensely. We sit in silence until there is a knock at the door, and to be honest it scared the crap out of me so much I jumped but thankfully didn't scream. Justin must have noticed since he said, "Don't worry it's just Marcus." I was going to ask how he knew who was at the door but he was already out the door. It got boring just sitting there so I walk over into the ensuite opposite the bed.

The bathroom is dark juts like the rest of the bedroom. I walk over to the mirror and see that I have a medium sized bite mark on my neck, I scream out, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!  I also see that I'm still in the same clothes as I was at Ava's party, oh my god Ava's party, that bi*ch! It's all her fault I'm here! Ethan, I wonder what happened to him. Everything happened so fast, I can't stop thinking about everything including that mark until I realise the tears streaming down my face. "Olivia?!" Justin's voice comes though the bathroom door. There is no way I'm talking to him he's the reason I'm here he's the one who's voice I heard before I blacked out. "OLIVIA!" He yells bringing me out of my thoughts, "Yes?" I whisper, I hear him sigh which is weird how could he have heard me through the door. Justin then says "Please let me in." "No." I reply, "And why not?" "Because your one of the reasons why I'm here, you took me and you bought me here, if you even come near me all hell will cut loose!" I reply wiping the tears from my eyes. "Ok listen if you unlock the door I will explain everything." "No, I-I don't trust you." I stutter for the first time since I've been here. "Fine you leave me no choice, stand back!" He says sternly. I reluctantly step away from the door and to the far wall, all of a sudden the is a bang on the door, one bang, two, three and the door bursts open sending bits and pieces every where, when the dust clears I see Justin standing there and he looks angry. "WHAT THE HECK!" I shout, "You should have let me in!" He says simply, "Are you crying?" "No!" I quickly reply before walking out of the bathroom, trying not to step on any one the broken door on my way out. "Your upset!" He says, "I'm not upset ok, just drop it!" I reply before sitting on the end of the bed crossing my arms. "Alright, but can you come with me there are a couple of people I want you to meet!" I sigh before saying, "Ok." I stand up as Justin attempts to put his arm around my shoulders, I move away so he can't. He sighs before walking out the door with myself following closely behind.

Justin and I walk into what looks like a ball room, the room is surrounded by windows except for various hallways leading off to who knows where. We walk through a big opening in the wall and come face to face with a ginormous room. There are three thrones placed at the far end with no one seated in them. "Well well well, you survived!" I swear I heard Justin growl, I turn around and see the last person I thought I would ever see. "No way." I whisper, "How could you?"


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