↠ Eight ↠

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Lucas's POV
I sprinted home followed by Elise and Ethan, as fast as my four paws would take me, I didn't care that we were in our wolf form, my sister was missing. I immediately noticed the window smashed. I changed back into my normal state, as did the two others. We walked in and saw that the vault was empty and some photo frames were missing. I quickly ran up to Olivia's room and saw it was empty and all the things she would take if there was am emergency were gone. I walked back down stairs, "Where is she?" Elise asks, "She ran away." I state. I change back into my wolf form before running out of the house, I look back and see both Elise and Ethan following me. I run all the way to the field out side the mansion. Everyone was talking when the three of us arrived. "She cant be far, we need to look for her!" "Listen she obviously ran away for a reason, maybe we should just forget about her and move on." Ava states with her arms crossed. "How dare you!" Elise says, "Who the heck are you anyway, some long lost relative nobody gives a shit about!" "Thats it!" Elise growls before she lunges herself at Ava. I watch in amusement as the two wrestle like maniacs in the grass, "Hey Lucas, I don't want to be a pest but er who is everyone?" Ethan asks taking me away from the wrestling match. Thats right Ethan only joined the pack about a month ago, when I needed someone to protect Olivia from exactly what happened. "Alright well her over there the one with the grey hair, her name is Elise, a werewolf, she is my first cousin. But don't say anything to Liv because she doesn't know about Elise and we want to keep it that way. The two girls with the smoky lilac hair are Selene and Rachel, twin sisters, both vampires. The best way to tell them apart is their skin, Rachel has more of an olive skin where as Selene has more fare skin. The twins brother is Marcus, also a vampire, he is the one with brown hair, brown eyes and he is always wearing leather. There we have Ava, vampire, with the brown hair. She is a total fashionista and I hate her guts. Now you already know Justin the one with the brownish blackish hair, a vampire and is apparently my sisters soulmate. Yeah I hate his guts too and I hope he dies. Then there is us, werewolfs, and of course your twin sister Zoe, who joined to pack before you." I finish with a chuckle, Ethan just punched me in the and told me to shut up. A couple of seconds later Marcus called us over for a group meeting. "So it's pretty clear that we need to find Olivia, we will split into two groups, the groups are:
Group one = Lucas, Elise, Justin, Marcus, Zoe
Group two = Rachel, Ethan, Selene, Ava
My group will go left towards where the sun rises, and group two will go towards where the sun sets. Now go, and good luck." Marcus finishes and we all separate into our groups. Elise and I lead our group where as Marcus rounds up at the back.
We search the whole day but nothing, not even one clue! I blame myself for this whole thing. I lied to her her whole life and now she is who knows where. Other then Elise she is the only family I have. I'm going to find her, if it's with the group or by myself, I will find her.

Olivia's POV
I walk into one of the cheep hotels in the nearby town. I miss everyone but it's not worth going back, It's been two weeks and I have managed to survive. Once settled in the hotel, I locked the door and walked out and into the park opposite the hotel.

"OLIVIA!" Some girl runs up to me yelling my name. She has grey hair and strangely looks like my brother and myself. She brings me into a hug. "Who the heck are you!" I say wriggling out of the hug. "Im an er old family friend." She says with out making eye contact, I just nod in reply but I'm not sure about her, something seems off. "So where are you staying at?" "Just across the road." I reply. "So who are you anyway?" I ask, "Like your name?" "Oh sorry, it's Elise Compson!" She replies as we start walking to the hotel.

"Im sorry to ask but how do you know me?" I ask in the politest way possible, "Ask your brother, he'll tell you." She replies. "Um no he can't be trusted, have you noticed he is, I don't know a werewolf!" "Well so am I!" She says back, and the face she made told me that she instantly regrets it. I turn around before I run all the way back up to my hotel, I quickly grab my bag and run back outside. I run as fast as my legs will let me. I come to a stop as I scream at the top of my lungs as three huge werewolfs surround me. I hear someone yelling out my name, I look to my left and see Justin running up to me along side Lucas. I reach my hand out to them, Justin grabs it, but I fall and everything goes black.


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