Chapter Thirty Six

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"But then what would happen?" I thought. I was reminded of my previous thoughts on the matter, that time had a way of making up for what was supposed to happen by causing another accident. John could still die even if that night in 1980 was prevented. He could fall ill, step out in front of traffic, overdose on God knows what... or have some other freak accident. I was nearly getting a panic attack just thinking about it.

"It just is... I don't know what I'll set off if I tell him." I concluded.

"Is this like the thing where if you step on a butterfly, then somehow the entire future is changed?" Paul joked.

"Something like that... I guess." I tried to see the humour in his statement. Paul seemed to drop the subject as the other three suddenly came down the hall toward us.

"Are we leaving or what? I wanna grab something to eat before we have to go to that interview." George piped up. Well he seemed perfectly fine despite what had happened the day before. I mean, I did too but I would have thought maybe George would have been shaken just a little.

"Yeah, we should go." Paul nodded.

"You guys have an interview today?" I asked, recalling the last interview they did, where I wasn't allowed in.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you. Yes, we have an interview today and then a meeting back here with Brian. You're welcome to come to both, we made sure and checked this time." Paul explained. I nodded.

"Sounds good." I agreed. So we headed out. John was quiet for the first time in...a while. I lagged behind the other three and made pace with John down the stairs.

"Hey." I greeted cheerfully.

"Hi." He answered simply.

"You okay?" He turned and gave me a faint smile.

"I'm fine...just slept funny." He admitted to me. I raised an eyebrow.

"So you have a sore neck?" I asked, unclear. He shook his head.

"No, no. I just... had the strangest dream." I loved that he was being so open with me, but I didn't want to push him. Still, I was curious about his dream.

" wanna tell me about it?" I asked slowly. He paused.

"I'm not sure if it would make a lot of sense. I was in New York City near that old Dakota building we were at a few days ago." He told me, absentmindedly. My heart froze. My step faltered as well, but I tried to keep calm.

"Oh? That's strange."

"Yeah and this man and woman were walking down near the building and I see this man run up to them and pull out a gun. So I'm trying to yell at them to run, while I try and tackle the gunman, but it was like my feet were glued to the ground." He explained, a look of puzzlement sweeping across his face. My heart was pounding in my ears. Why would John be having the same dream I had been having for weeks? He was dreaming about himself in the future and he didn't even know it. How did that happen?!

"D-Did you watch them both die then?" I dared ask.

"Just the man was shot. But he died." Was his answer. My mouth went dry.

"Did you see his face? Any faces?"

"No. They were all faceless like in a horror film." I allowed a little relief for that; at least he wasn't aware then that it was his future. But I was still extremely confused as to why he would be having my recurring nightmare.

"Well, hopefully it's not a recurring thing. Dreams can be strange." I let out a lighthearted chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing. Just kept me awake for a bit..." He trailed off.

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