Day 5 - 16:04 PM

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By the time you had managed to calm Jimin down it was already quarter past three, but then you decided to go shopping to get him a motorbike helmet, and then you finally went back to your house, which is where you are arriving at now.

Unlocking the door, you walk inside and flop on the sofa, breathing a sign of relief at finally getting to take a break from being out in town all day. From the corner of your eye you notice Jimin take a seat in the arm chair, still looking very shook and lost in overthinking.

Frowning, you wonder when a good time to ask Jimin about his scars and that strange tattoo like mark on his stomach would be, probably not now that's for sure. Something has obviously caused him to begin contemplating life and existence itself, you can almost see all the equations and calculations running through his mind at you stare at him from your sprawled-out-lazy-person position on the sofa.

"Jimin stop thinking so much it's gonna make your brain hurt," You say, standing up and going over the the TV to turn it on as well as bend down to turn on the Wii on the floor beside it.

Grabbing a wheel and a remote you click them together and throw it on to the sofa, turning back to grab another wheel and remote and repeating the process. You then return to your seat and look at the now confused Jimin, patting the seat beside you.

Once he eventually moves to sit on the sofa with you, you place one of the wheel remotes in his lap and hold yours, readying Mario kart while Jimin only just begins processing what's going on.

"We're playing Mario kart remember," You sigh at his childlike confusion, "to cheer you up, even though I'm gonna completely wreck you" You smirk.

"We'll see about that," Jimin suddenly perks up, instantly distracted by the character and vehicle options on the screen, typical boy.

You pick Rosalina, the star luma queen person from Super Mario Galaxy, mainly because of the star that bobs along beside her but also because she's awesome as all fuck. For the vehicle you pick the bowser bike, as it's fast and looks wicked too.

"So you really do like motorbikes huh?" Jimin smirks at you. Rolling your eyes, you punch his shoulder lightly and tell him to hurry up and pick his stuff so you can start kicking his ass.

When you are both satisfied with your choices, you pick the mushroom grand prix and begin the race.

The first race, mushroom gorge (A/N: forgive me if these tracks or this order is wrong I love Mario kart but not that much), goes well, you easily take first place while Jimin comes in at fourth, simply because he kept bouncing off of the mushrooms.

"That wasn't even fair I kept falling off!!" Jimin pouts, a hint of game rage already growing in his eyes.

"Well you should've steered and controlled your vehicle better then" You smirk, happy with your first victory.

Glaring at you, he presses the button to proceed to the next race, moo moo meadows.

Jimin easily wins this race, finding it no trouble to swerve between the cows and past the gophers, unlike you, who comes it at third. The overall score still has you in first but Jimin is a close second.

"Stupid fucking cows..." You mumble before moving onto the third race, peach gardens. The two of you may as well have finished together because you crossed the line a millisecond just after Jimin did purely because he hit you with a shell while you were ahead of him.

Now the scores are tied, and whoever wins depends entirely on this last race, rainbow road.

"I'm so gonna win this and kick your ass and prove that I'm better at Mario kart" You proclaim, sticking your tongue out at Jimin.

"Yeah right I'm clearly the best you don't have a chance" Jimin grins back at you.

You start the race badly, falling off into space at every turn whilst Jimin speeds through with ease. Once you fall back onto the track for the 4th time, you drive into a mystery box, and luckily for you, get a rocket.

Jimin gasps in surprise as his car is suddenly shoved off of the edge by you as you take second place, him now in fourth. Giggling a bit, you manage to stay on the track and almost get into first place.

"You little bitch," He smirks before getting into third place, once he's back on the track, by shooting a green shell at the person in front of him.

"Ain't my fault I'm amazing at this game," You reply, throwing a red shell right at him as he begins to get too close.

The game continues on with both of you constantly fighting to be in first place, bombarding each other with shells, bananas, ink, lightning, as well as pushing one another completely off of the track.

Shock replaces the cockiness in Jimins eyes when he is about to cross the finish line for the third time as a blue shell lands directly on him, throwing him off of the track, and you zoom past, crossing the line in first place and winning the grand prix overall.

"HA!!" You yell, jumping up from your seat and laughing, as Jimin sits there dumbfounded, "told you I'd win, told you I'd win" You repeat, boasting about your victory before sitting back down and putting your remote down on the floor by Jimins.

Swinging your legs up onto the sofa and leaning back so you were against the arm and facing Jimin, you smirk at his confused face.

"Trying to comprehend how amazing I am are we?" You say, closing your eyes and facing the ceiling, "I'm afraid I can't help it that you're so terri-"

You yelp when suddenly your legs are pulled so that your back and head are flat on the sofa, Jimin hovering over you, only a few inches separating the two of you.

"You totally fucking cheated," He says in a raspy voice, smirking mischievously as he stares down at your face, which is flushed pink with nervousness due to Jimin being so close to you.

Unable to say anything back to him, you lay there and do nothing, still in shock.

He chuckles, before continuing with, "You saved that blue shell until you knew I was almost gonna win didn't you?" He raises an eyebrow. How on earth can he look and sound so sexy while he's talking about fucking Mario kart?!

Your breath catches in your throat when his body presses to yours, his lips lowering to your ear as he whispers, "I'm so gonna get you back for that"

Somewhat coming to your senses, you push Jimin off of you and quickly stand up, your cheeks now bright red.

"D-do you know what I am, p-pretty hungry yeah I-I'm gonna go make some food" You stutter out before rushing into the kitchen, breathing out a sigh of annoyance yet relief, and then hearing laughter echo from the other room.

H-he's laughing?! You think, now growing more annoyed at how flustered he made you just for his amusement.

Charging upstairs, you grab the first thing you can think of, a pillow, and return downstairs, heading over to the laughing boy, and raising the pillow before swinging it down right on his head as hard as you can.

"Yahhh!!" He shouts as you continue to hit him, "okay okay I get it mianhae mianhae!!" He apologises but you continue anyway, "hajima!!" He shouts, grabbing a pillow from the sofa and smacking you in the face with it, making you stop.

Gasping at what he did, he stares at you, shocked by his own actions for a few moments, before you start laughing, reassuring him that you're okay, and he starts laughing too.

Both of you then engage in a very serious pillow fight, which results in feathers all over your house, and two very tired out people.

By the time you clean up and get some food for yourself, since Jimin insists he isn't hungry, it's already 8 pm, time really does fly when you're having fun.

"Do you know what we should do?" Jimin says, glancing at his watch before looking up at you.

"What?" You ask, curious as to what he has in mind.

"Go to your special place, in the woods, by the water, and just chill for a while"

"Sure" You smile at him, noticing the fear swirling deep in his eyes and the sadness hidden behind his playful grin, and frowning slightly in response.

120 Hours《Jimin x Reader》[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now