Day 4 - 11:45 AM

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Your P.O.V

After Jimin had ran off because he forgot his books or something or other, you had had to go to your next lesson. Mark had said goodbye to you, saying he'd 'see you soon' with a wink. You eyed him suspiciously as you left, curious of what he was planning.

Now, you're sat in your classroom, watching the clock counting down to lunchtime, bored yet again.

Suddenly you hear someone knock on the door and say,

"Sorry for interrupting Sir, but Mr Byun would like to see Y/N"

Looking up, you see Mark stood in the doorway smiling at you.

"Very well, off you go Y/N" You hear your teacher say before you grab your stuff, shoving it in your bag, and leave the classroom.

Walking down the hallway, you turn to Mark and ask, "Why does Mr Byun need me?" Grabbing your hand with a smirk on his face, Mark replies with,

"Oh he doesn't, I just wanted to see you"

Rolling your eyes and chuckling, you realise that this is the sort of thing Jimin would probably do. Yahh! Stop thinking about other boys Y/N!! You're in a relationship now!

Peering into the classrooms as you both quietly walk past them, your eyes lock with a certain someones for a few seconds.

The brief look in Jimins eyes was evidently full of pain and sadness, and maybe, jealously? Or anger? You didn't have enough time to study it because you are already past his classroom. There's no way in hell he could like you anyway. Not that you'd like him to or anything.

You and Mark continue to stroll through the empty school, stopping every now and then to kiss against a wall or a locker. But everytime you do, there's something that just feels off. You can't explain it. Maybe it's just the fact that there's no one around when there should be a lot of people, maybe it's the fact that you're skipping class, maybe it's the fact that it's Mark not Jimin.

The rest of the day passes quickly, lessons go by being as boring as ever, and lunch sails past as if it was never there, by now it's already time to go home. Looking back on today so far, you realise Jimin has been really unfocused, and unlike himself, especially around you.

Jungkook and the guys are outside the schools front still, organising something or other, but Jimin isn't with them, you think he had to go get something. Which reminds you that there's a few books you forgot.

Turning the corner that leads to the row of lockers where your locker is located, your eyes widen at the sight before you.

Marks back is pressed up against your locker and Ella's body is pressed against his, her lips attached to his own.

Mark, upon seeing you, shoves Ella off of him and looks at you, his own eyes matching your shocked ones. "Y-Y/N it's not what you think!!"

"Wow," You scoff, glaring daggers into him, tears threatening to fall, not so much from sadness but more from anger, "we haven't even been dating for a day and you're already cheating on me with the sluttiest girl in school!!"

"I-I can explain-"

"I don't want you to explain Mark, you made a real dick move ya know, you're lucky that I like you too much to beat you right here and now for messing with my feelings," You threaten as his eyes begin to glaze over with tears, "as for you," You walk over to Ella, grabbing her hair and yanking her head, making her shout at you angrily, "You're fucking dead to me you hear, dead to me, and if I could kill you, I would, but it's frowned upon in all fifty states, having said that," You make sure she's looking at you and you can see the fear in her eyes as you give her the worst death glare you've ever given to anyone, "burn in hell."

120 Hours《Jimin x Reader》[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now