Day 1 - 20:37 PM

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A/N: The new concept photos omg I CAN'T I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM god I wanna be a photographer so bad

Your P.O.V

"Ugh what was I thinking?!" You shout to yourself. Of course he doesn't like you, he's the schools fuckboy he just wants to get into your pants and today he confirmed it. But he was being really nice to me until he said that. You roll your eyes and lay on your stomach, burying your face in your pillow and trying to push the recurring thoughts of Jimin away. What you didn't know however, was that Jimin was doing the exact same thing, trying to forget about you.

Suddenly, your phone vibrates on the bedside table and you pick it up to see you have a text from an unknown number.

Hey, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, forgive me?

What the...? Wait...

Jimin? How the hell did you get my number?!

I have my ways haha, anyway, I really am sorry for what I said, I guess I acted on my instincts

Fuckboy instincts I see

Hey its not my fault I'm just so hot that girls can't stay away ;)

You can't help but chuckle at the boastful boy and decide to tease him a little.

Ya know it really is a shame that you're so short~

Yah! I'm not short I'm just not tall!!

You got no jams Jimin

Y/N-ah!! This means you can't be mad at me anymore then!

Fine, I guess I'll forgive you, for now!

You can't stay mad at his cute personality so you just shrug off the comment he made today, you wouldn't sleep with him anyway.

Yayyy Y/N loves me again!!

I never said I loved you?!

Yeah but I know you do deep down ;)

Goodnight Jimin~

You giggle as you text him before settling down in bed and getting a early nights sleep for once.

Day 2 - 12:39

"You're here Y/N-ah!" Jungkook greeted you as you sat down at their table.

"Annyeong!" You replied, waving at everyone, even Jimin, who smiled brightly at you. Jimin was still a bit of a wary person to you, but he was fun to be around, so you'd see how it goes from here.

"Oh yeah! Y/N, tonight there's a party at our house and we think you should come too" Hoseok announces. The others look at you with eager smiles. "We'll even pick you up so you don't have to worry about getting a taxi or anything" He smiles as he adds.

"Uhm yea sure, I don't see why not"

"Yeaaa" the guys all high five and laugh before starting new conversations about who was going to be there. They also seemed to be teasing Jin about a guy that was going, you didn't hear who though.

Listening to their conversations, you didn't notice a certain pink haired (A/N: going off of the recent photoshoots 👌) boy staring at you for the second time this week.

"Whats your favourite place to go?" You suddenly hear him say.


"Your favourite place to go, where is it?"

You were slightly taken aback by the sudden question but answered anyway.

"Well there's this woods about a mile or so away from my house and right in the centre there's this big clearing. I like to go there and lie on the grass at night and just watch the stars, ya know? It's just so relaxing." You become so lost in your thoughts that you don't see the young boy smiling sweetly at your response. (A/N: remember that scene in tangled where they're in the boat and he's staring at her and she doesn't realise? Yh well imagine that here, I'll shut up now) The bell rings and snaps you out of your own mind, causing you to quickly stand up and almost fall, but a firm grip on your arm holds you in place. Jimin looks at you, concerned. "Thanks" You smile and he smiles back, reluctantly releasing your arm.

"We'll pick you up at 9 ok Y/N" Jin reminds you as you all head to your lessons.

Day 2 - 15:13

You finally leave your last lesson of the day and are on your way out when you notice Jimin talking to some girl. Oh wait, that's not just any girl, that's Ella, the schools queenka. Her and Jimin have been in an on and off relationship for longer than you can remember. You manage to catch a bit of their conversation.

"I told you, we're over for good now" Jimin scolded her.

"Jimin-Oppa you can't do this to me!" She was pleading like a dog.

"No means no, I don't want to be with you anymore"

"There's another girl isn't there? Who is it? I swear to god I'll find her an-"

"And you won't do anything." Jimin threatens her, that's when he spots you. Luckily he spots you walking so doesn't suspect that you were eavesdropping. "Hey~ Y/N-ah!" Jimin shouts over to you.

Goddamnit Jimin... You reluctantly turn around to be met with Jimin walking towards you, completely unaware of the glares the girl behind him was giving you.

"Where do you live? Do you want a ride home?" He questions you as he reaches you, shooting a smile your way.

"Uhm it's only about a mile awa-"

"What?? I'm definitely giving you a ride home!" He grabs your wrist and drags you out the doors. The last thing you see before leaving the school is Ella glaring daggers at you.


"Why did you have to bring your motorbike?" You ask, a bit annoyed, not because of the motorbike itself, but more because you had to hold onto Jimin, and that made you a bit embarrassed.

"I don't know, maybe because I like it when you have to hold onto me" He calmly says as he sits on the vehicle. Feeling your face redden slightly, you hesitate more than before but climb on anyway.

"I can just hold onto the seat..." You mumble to yourself but Jimin hears and reaches his hands behind him, wrapping your arms around his stomach.

"This is safer" He says, starting the engine and riding out of school before you can protest.


"It's just round this corner" You speak into Jimins back, using the cold of his leather jacket to try and calm your flushed face. Pulling up outside your house, you get off as quickly as possible and head towards the door.

"Still no thank you?" You hear Jimin chuckle from his bike.

Turning around you quickly say "Thank you Jimin" and do a cute little bow before running inside, and hiding your pink face.

"And now to plan what I'm going to wear for the party"

120 Hours《Jimin x Reader》[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now