Day 3 - 22:26 PM

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(A/N: shout out to that one person who votes on each of my chapters Mati-15
We're friends now ok
Srsly tho thank you for reading my book despite how bad it is you're cool (/•3•)/ )

Your P.O.V

After accepting Marks confession, you had stayed at the fair a little longer, half looking for Jimin and half spending time with Mark, although it wasn't as fun since you'd already been on most rides with Jimin.

Mark held your hand in his as you walked but to you it felt different, it didn't fit with your hand as well as Jimins does. What was going on with you? You were thinking and worrying about Jimin the whole rest of the night. Even now, only just getting into your empty house, you keep replaying today's events.

Pulling out your phone to text Jimin, you realise you already have a message from him.

I'm fine, oh and congrats to you and Mark, don't worry that you left me, I understand, if Mark makes you happy that's fine, as long as you're happy I'm happy

See you tomorrow

Your heart shakes slightly at the messages. He must have seen the confession. Feeling bad for abandoning him at the busy fair, you notice that you feel a bit of something more, altough you can't tell what it is.

Brushing it off and heading upstairs, you retrieve the plush teddy you got today from its bag and hug it as you lie in bed. Jimin said he was fine but, you can't help but feel like something bad has happened to him. You have a ready bad feeling.

Closing your eyes, you attempt to push away the thoughts, that swirl around your head, like; 'something doesn't feel right' 'what if he's hurt' 'maybe he's upset' 'you should be worried about him'. Of course, however, you fail.

Swiping your phone from your bedside table, you go to your contacts and call Jimin, you just have to make sure he's ok.

Jimin P.O.V

"Hello?" I answer the phone, after seeing the contact name and debating whether or not to.

"Annyeong," Y/N says through the phone, nervousness evident in her voice, "are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I question her, keeping my voice as stable as possible as I push the blood-stained tissues from my bed into the bin.

(A/N: why do I make me sad like this 😭)

"I-I... I don't know... I just, had a bad feeling, that's all," she confesses, "I had to make sure you actually are okay"

My heart jumps a little at the fact that at least she cares about me, but drops slightly when I realise that even when she's nowhere near me, she can tell somethings up. It drops because it makes me love her more. It drops because soon she won't be here to worry about me. It drops because I'm so scared of losing her.

"Jimin?.." she snaps me out of my depressing thoughts as I reply with

"Oh, well I'm fine, really, you don't need to worry about me" if I was with her I'd be faking a smile to help support my statement, but because I'm not with her, a blank, slightly miserable, stare is plastered onto my face.

"...hmm... ok, I'll believe you, but I still have a weird feeling so if you need me just call me," she eventually responds, "Goodnight Jimin"

"Goodnight Y/N, sleep tight" I hang up, allowing tears to form in my eyes for the third time today. Such a caring and loving person doesn't deserve this. Why, why her? If she was just some rude bitch who didn't care for anyone except herself, I couldn't care less what happens to her. But she's her. She's kind, beautiful, funny, adorable, smiley, mesmerising. She's perfect.

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